Launching your crowdfunding campaign is the first start to turning - TopicsExpress


Launching your crowdfunding campaign is the first start to turning your idea into a viable business. Once you select your crowdfunding portal, upload your business information, graphics, video and backer awards, it is time to spread the word about your new campaign. Social media marketing is an excellent way to do this. It is free, and when done right, can help to turn your campaign viral. Crowdfunding campaigns rely on the masses to turn projects into something everyone is talking about. Here are some social media strategies to turn your crowdfunding campaign into a success: Facebook. Create a facebook fan page for your business or new idea. This should be focused on the product you are promoting in your campaign. A Facebook fan page is something that anyone can “like”. When a Facebook user likes your page their friends can view your posts on their feed. This exposes you to a larger group of people. Upload funny and creative pictures, jokes, and posts to your fan page so that people will want to share them. Make sure pictures have your name on them so that people can visit your website. This can also help with SEO. Engage Facebook users on a regular basis by posting several times a week. This can also give you a forum to communicate with backers once your project is launched. Twitter. With over 500 million people using Twitter it is an easy way to expose your crowdfunding campaign to the masses. You can also purchase tweets. This can be a good way to have a celebrity or someone in your field promote you. The cost of the tweet depends on the person and with a very small budget you can get additional exposure. Pinterest. This graphic rich platform allows you to post pictures of your new invention, designs, concepts and more. You can post pictures of people using your invention to give ideas of how backers can utilize your products. Pictures that are well done will often get shared by other Pinterest users which can help things to go viral. Make sure to embed photos so that when people click on them they are directed to your campaign. Blogging. Starting a blog is free, easy, and a great way to inform people of the process you are going through to take your ideas from conception to a finished product. Backers like to be part of the process. They want to be informed and know what is happening with your campaign. The more you communicate with them the more they will feel like you are part of their community and be willing to share your information with other people. Social media marketing campaigns require consistency and creativity. This is not a place to post your white paper or detailed engineering specifications. Social media messaging should be approachable, entertaining, and engaging. Speak with your fans and followers as if they are a friend you are meeting for a beer – not someone you are trying to sell to. Share information and get people excited to join you in your quest to turn your dreams into reality.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 03:18:50 +0000

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