Law school is a blow to the ego. I know the bar exam is tougher. - TopicsExpress


Law school is a blow to the ego. I know the bar exam is tougher. But law school is where you put a room full of over achievers in competition to pass a particular professors exams. You will get a c for the first time, a b for the second and get an Aif you are one of two people in your class who makes it in that league. It is a blow to the heart. It makes you bow down to your Lord in times where you just need him to get you through. It is where you learn at least two sides of an argument and multiple interpretations of the law that you must and MUST argue and counter argue. You will appreciate small things like a smile given to you by a complete stranger, a home cooked meal if family supports you, and debt, probably for the first time. You will understand that when you were in the top 5 % of your undergraduate, most likely prestigious institution, you are now simply striving to stay away from being in the bottom 15 percent. You learn to humble yourself and sometimes accept the WILL OF God or for others, fate. You must ignore the trivial distractions. It is essential to know arguments on paper and arguments in a courtroom because law school does not always teach you the latter. You will learn Latin words and latin phrases which you may not actually ever use again or actually ever heard of. And sometimes your professor will want prose on their exams, no matter what. You will love ... Any person who helps you. This is all when you least expect it. And you will learn to honk your car horn when someone turns a red light right in front of you. And you will think tort, negligenceand recklessness. You will tell business owners to clean up the water in front of their door so that their customers will not slip like the banana peel case. You will learn the beauty of preserving mental health: yoga, zumba, meditation, and know who you are and what matters to you. You will take advice from those who did law school and those who didnt but listen to both from their own perspective and take it for that. You will learn that The Paper Chase is real and Its not like Legally Blonde. You will make friends who will last a lifetime and foes who hate you for your stances most likely non lawyers. You may get the chance to represent people; and in that you will learn your client is who you mist fight for within ethical bounds. You are hungry because the law is a feast with no limits like the sky and the student is starving. You must take it for what it is and endure it with love and patience. After all, you love the law.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 02:26:48 +0000

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