Lawale Adewoyin A concerned Nigerians memo to Goodluck Ebele - TopicsExpress


Lawale Adewoyin A concerned Nigerians memo to Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. You Sir have opined how much you love the country you lead. I know uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. I am not a politician but seriously concerned about the stability, reputation, and image of the country. I have observed how all these qualities if a nation have been squandered for partisan politics and material gains. I wonder how you can look the other way forgive rogues, plunderers and looters and ask how that is corruption? I have noticed how your Attorney General has withdrawn charges of corruption so your future political appointees are not seen as tainted. How would you pump up a person like Muhammad Abacha to ANY national position if you have not cheapened the office of the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Well meaning countries with a conscience have returned some of the Abacha loot. When you Mr President is reponsible for the recklessness how would you account for these monies? All inquiries into stollen money in the trillions of Naira have been stopped by the EFCC on this issue , on your directive or the National Assembly ? Yet the Chief Justice and the courts have the nerve to sentence common criminals for stealing bread and goat? Who holds the conscience of a nation?. We watch in videos how your citizens are stoned and burned alive right under your nose and your Attorney Generals in jungle justice. You have sold the judiciary, immobilized law enforcement for personal aggrandizement and political gains. When is the interest of the country going to be forefront? Please stop recognizing and promoting those who have bled Nigeria. In the interest of justice and national image stop interfering in the judicial process to save the necks of your goons. Please let justice and rule of law prevail. There is no point asking you to replace your AG he is your boy true and true, just as you have stood up to defend and uphold those that are known looters. Non of your committees or panels have come up with any solution, reprimand or penalties, nor remedies. I am counting on well meaning people all over the world to demand changes. This is not an advertisement or paid evaluation; just an observation and a precautionary notice of a concerned observer. Please like and send a message we demand changes. Forward to everyone you know. We need to demand a change from well meaning peopl
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 05:06:27 +0000

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