Leader calls for vigilance of the American-Zionist conspiracy - TopicsExpress


Leader calls for vigilance of the American-Zionist conspiracy takfir The commander of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei that any statement or action is fueling the difference between Muslims and insulting sanctities is a betrayal of Islam and forbidden in Islam. He said Ayatollah Khamenei in his appeal to the pilgrims during the ceremony of innocence of the infidels that political turmoil and the spread of terrorism in the region is the product of schemes and foreign customers arrogance, pointing out that the squalid conditions could push the Muslims to forget the fundamental issues كإنقاذ Palestine and the Muslim peoples of the conspiracies of America and Zionism. stressed Ayatollah Khamenei that expiatory elements become today puppet of the Zionists and their protectors Westerners committing major crimes and shedding the blood of innocent people, stressing that the strengthening of the spirit of brotherhood and fraternity is the biggest lesson of the Hajj, and called on Muslims to the European Union under the banner of monotheism. The present era the era of awakening and discovery of the identity of Muslims and between Ayatollah Khamenei in his appeal that the present era is the era of awakening and discovery of identity for Muslims; adding that: this fact can be reached clearly through the crises faced by the Islamic countries in these circumstances in particular; the determination and will-based faith and trust and insight, and the measure could take the hands of Islamic nations in this crisis to victory and lift the head and that the fate of pride and dignity. stated that the front interview, which can not afford vigilance and pride Muslims had mobilized all its means security, psychological, military, economic and propaganda to confuse Muslims and the oppressed and إلهائهم themselves. warned commander Revolution that conditions deplorable can make the Islamic awakening futile and wasted preparations spirituality that emerged in the Muslim world and re-again Muslim nations to the recession and reclusion and decadence and paid to the corners of oblivion issues fundamental and important كإنقاذ Palestine and the Islamic nations of conspiracies U.S. and Zionism. Survival of the Islamic community with people who have thought and action The commander of the Islamic Revolution that: the more you need the Islamic nation today is people have thought and work together with faith and purity and fidelity, and the resistance against the enemies who hate addition to preparing moral and spiritual; This is the only way to survive the Muslim community great calamities that afflict him vocally by enemies or because of what their commented in the above times of weakness determination and faith and insight. Strengthen the spirit of brotherhood studied pilgrimage largest and Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the basic structural and treatment can be summed up in two sentences, both from most prominent pilgrimage lessons: First Union and brotherhood of Muslims under the banner of monotheism. And the second to know the enemy and the face of his plans and methods. explained that strengthen the spirit of brotherhood and fraternity are studied pilgrimage bulk; In Hajj controversy and harshness with others is prohibited; dress one business and one movements and single; dealing Raouf here means equality and brotherhood among all the people who think the status of unification, and this is Islam frank answer every thought and belief and inviting calls to eject a band of faithful Muslims Kabah and the uniformity of the circle of Islam. Elements takfirist become puppet politicians Zionists and the Ayatollah Khamenei that the elements takfirist become todays puppet politicians Zionists Algdarin and protectors Westerners The crimes large and shed the blood of Muslims and innocent people. and said: I like many of the scholars of Islam and who are keen on the Islamic nation declared once again that any statement or work is fueling the difference between Muslims, and also any insult to the sanctities of any of the teams or amends an Islamic Islamic sects is a service to the camp of infidelity and polytheism and a betrayal of Islam and the ungodly. He pointed out: the emergence of groups and currents rigid based on the way the clans savages in the history of hard-issuance of humans and tearing their hearts teeth, and insurgents who are killing children, women and beheading men and abusing their symptoms; In some cases these crimes shameful and exciting disgusting name of religion and under its banner. pointed commander that the revolution: Know the enemy and methods are the second pillar; nor shall negligence of the existence of the enemy vindictive or forgotten; multi ceremony for the stoning ritual at the Hajj is a symbolic this mental Alasthoudar permanent lack of negligence on the enemy. The main enemy todays front global arrogance and the network of Zionism in his speech about the treatment of structural and fundamental Among the lessons of Hajj explained Ayatollah Khamenei said: Second may not fall into the mistake of identifying the main enemy which today is the same front global arrogance and network Zionist criminal; Third must diagnose methods this enemy recalcitrant and of rhythm band between Muslims and the promotion of political corruption and moral threat Ttmaa elites and economic pressure on the people and discredit the Islamic beliefs as you must know associated with him and their hands, both have been associated with him intentionally or unintentionally. pointed out that countries arrogant and foremost America and with the help of the means extensive media and advanced hides The true face as you deceiving the public opinion of nations and peoples of the pretense of the protection of human rights and democracy; said: Those pretending to defend the rights of peoples to while تكتوي the Islamic peoples all its fire Vtnem entity every day more than last year. Tribulations of the people show the true face of the leaders of the authoritarian regime , said Ayatollah Khamenei: The one look to the oppressed Palestinian people, which receives daily stabs the Zionist entity and protectors for decades; or to the countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, where about terrorism, which is Walid policies arrogant and hands Regional lives of their peoples Geha;. Or look to Syria, which are an offense to support the movement of resistance against the Zionist waves of hatred of tyrants international and their agents in the region, has become a captive bloody war (internal); or look to Bahrain or to Myanmar where they are blind to what is being exposed to the Muslims of adversity and are supported by their enemies; or look to other peoples who are constantly threatened militarily by the United States or its allies or they surrounded economically or threaten the security ... , All it shows the true face of the leaders of the authoritarian regime. stressing that: the political and cultural elites and religious groups in all parts of the Islamic world to adhere to a statement of these facts ... This is a moral and religious duty of us all. between Ayatollah Khamenei: North African countries that are in deep differences Gallery unfortunately more than others should pay attention to this great responsibility ... I mean to know the enemy, methods and tricks; the continuing differences between national trends and negligence about the danger of internal war in these high risk countries can not avoid the big weigh on the Islamic nation in the near term. Peoples awakening will not allow the return of the clock back and told Leader: We are of course no doubt we have that the people who got up in that area and embodied the Islamic awakening will not allow _ God willing _ to return the clock back and return corrupt leaders, customers and dictators, but Alfglh about the role of powers arrogant to raise sedition and intervention spoiler will increase the difficulty of their work; and delay the age of pride, security and well-being for years. added: We believe in the ability of peoples and capacity developed by the wisdom of God in a moment, faith and insight masses of the people; and we believe from the depths of the heart, and weve seen first hand three decades ago in the Islamic Republic of Iran and عايشناها with all our being. , he concluded: our intention is to invite all Muslim people to look at the experience of their brothers in this dear country which does not indefatigable. alalam.ir/news/1524417
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 07:45:05 +0000

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