Leicester City Council Boycotts Israeli Settlement Products In - TopicsExpress


Leicester City Council Boycotts Israeli Settlement Products In a landmark and celebrated move, Leicester City Council has passed a resolution boycotting products made in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, one of the first such moves by an elected body in the UK. Councillors passed the motion at a meeting on Friday morning, citing Israels continued breach of international law, the Geneva Convention, and UN resolutions through its occupation of Palestinian territories. Leicester is a city renowned for its tolerance, diversity, unity and its strong stance against all forms of discrimination, said the text of the motion, proposed by Councillor Mohammed Dawood, and seconded by Councillor Patrick Kitterick. The move was welcomed by pro-Palestinian groups including Leicester-based Friends of Al Aqsa (FOA), which called the move a step in the right direction. Israel has been dehumanising Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip for decades while profiting from their resources and labour, said FOAs chairman, Ismail Patel. I hope other councils and organisations in the country, will follow Leicesters example and say no to the continued oppression of Palestinians, he added. Israel is the target of an international campaign known as BDS, which aims to organise boycotts and sanctions against the state for its occupation of Palestinian land and abuses against the Palestinian people.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 08:33:25 +0000

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