Leilani Fowlke 2:28 AM (55 minutes ago) to MissMegabear17, - TopicsExpress


Leilani Fowlke 2:28 AM (55 minutes ago) to MissMegabear17, Elizabeth, Katelyn, Rachel, scott, Ikaika, Koki, Lindsey, JoelandJody, Michael, Koa, Alina, me hey Mommy! I am glad that you all had such a lovely week and you are having fun with Koki and Kalani being big kids now (I was thinking about it, and how werid it is going to be next year when he is 16 and he can date and drive too.....terrible.) Anyway, I am not surprised that you were asked to do a month long subbing......I think you are eveyones favorite sub. Good luck with math :) I dont miss that one bit. I got the picture of Koki and Carlos, she looked cute and happy, and if you guys like him then that works for now :) I cant really say a lot since I dont know him, but yea for her :) I didnt know that Elder Bednar was your prez.....thats sick :) I think it is really good that you went and saw Sister Barns too. I think it is good for you 2 to talk. As for this week, I guess like everyweek, it was all ups and downs. Tuesday we had DDM (and that took up our whole day) but Bru Titz came and talked to us, and I adore him. If I had to pick a german grandpa I would want him, so he did a really good thema for us, and then we had planned to go visit a referral....sadly we found out she lives 3 hours away! what is that? So we ended up catching up on paper work for the rest of the day, so it didnt really feel that productive, but it was well needed. Before DDM we did a finding activity in Bonn, and our whole distrikt helped, and that was good, we played Bingo so we had a bingo card with people that we had to talk to on it.....we quazi won :) and I got free ice cream from our ice cream man! ....that never happens-....so that was a huge bright spot to our day. Wednesday went well. We met with the Dahkens....and it was wonderful as always, and then we went and did some service for Sis Bäder before we met with Moshid at the church (we might not be able to teach him because he might move back to Bangladish and there is a terrorist group there that kills christians.....so we are going to talk to him this week and this might be the last time) and then we had institute, and Gwen did such a good job :) It just stinks that not that many people come....it was us, Jakob and Dennis (he is Johannas brother, and super quiet, but always fun to be around. He is a sweet kid) but it was fun to be at institute again. Thursday was the most stresssful day this week by far, we could not get anyone to come with us to our appointment with Herr Sternberg, and so we had to beg the elders to come with so we could still teach him, and then we had to run away to another appointment right after him, and because of traffic that made hima little late, and he had a lot of questions that we didnt raelly have time to answer, and I have a hard time understanding him, and it was total caos. It was a terrible feeling when we got done with that lesson. We are still trying to think what we can do better to really help him. And then the appointment after that fell out (we were there with Sister Bäder and he had someone else over at his house) so we rushed our 1st appointmet for nothing, and then the appointment we were going to after that also fell out.....it was a mess. so we did a couple of vorbeis and then we tried calling a potential, and she wanted to meet right then, so because we had time (thanks to all of our fallen out appointments) we could meet with her, and she is so cute! She had never met us before, but she came up and kissed us both on the cheek and told us how excited she was to meet with us. So we introduced her to the book of mormon, and answered some of her questions and set expecations with her about what we exaclty do and what she wants to learn and she was so ecited to keep meeting. She lives a couple of hours away from Bonn, but she spends 4 days a week in Bonn, but now she is visiting her dauther in Dortmund (she does that alot) and then she is visiting her other kids in Berlin next week, but she told us she was reading in the book of mormon and she would continue to do so :) so we have a lot of hope for her :) and the next day we started out with a split. Sister Parker went to Düsseldorf and Sister Hall came down to be with me. We went to see Hossein and Homa, and I dont think I have ever laughed so hard during a lesson. 1st, it was good and normal, we taught about pre earth life, which was truly inspired because I think through a translation issue they never really learned that much about it (I thinik that lesson they didnt have translation) so they really didnt know that much about it, and the spirit was so strong as we were teaching them about Gods plan, and that we choose that we wanted to be a part of it before this life, that we wanted to come down to earth to learn and grow, and be a part of his plan that made it possible for us to be with him, christ and our famlies again. It really was amazing. We always bear our testimony at the end, and now Hossein and Homa have started doing the same.....I love it. They are really some of my favorite people that I have met out here. We both agree that we met each other before this life :) and then we ran over to see Dina. She is doing better, she is out of the hospital, but she is finding out today if she gets to keep working.....so if you would keep praying for her, I know that would help. We will find out this afternoon. She is so wonderful. Yesterday they had to take the train to get to church (and it takes a LONG time from where they live) but they made it anyway :) even with Dina not feeling the best. She is so wonderful, and already a part of the ward. Everyone forgets that they are not offically members because they have been coming for so long, every one just thinks of them like family. I Love this ward. Saturday was fun, we met with Peng in Köln on our way to Düsseldorf to trade back, and had a really good lesson with him about the BoM and God and CHrist. It went really well. Disfunctional because of the language barrier....but that is pretty much my whole mission, so nothing new. and then 2 of our bahns fell out and were an hour late to the baptism, but it worked in the end. I helped teach the lady getting baptized and she told me a couple of times that she wanted me there, so it was really meaningful to the both of us that I could be there too :) she was so happy to be baptized (It had taken 2 years) but she was so full of joy. I loved seeing it. And then we met with Sis Jäckel, and her and SIster Parker just hit it off since they are both so cute :) and then we met with Dina again and had a good lesson about repentance and forgiveness. Sunday we had church (and that felt like caos too, I felt like I was being pulled all over the place) and then we had weekly planning. Then we made it home on time (for once) and sister parker was bouncing all ovr the place. She had had a lot of sugar, and she was trying to break dance, and do head stands, I was laughing so hard. She is the funniest person, we laugh so much toghether and have the most fun doing the dumbest things. I dont get as much done at the apparmmetn anymore, but I figure if she is having fun and loving life, then its worth it. She is such a good missionary. She has no fear. She is getting a little frustrated because she doesnt know the language perfectly....but she just kinda reminds me of me as a golden, so its carma for me, but it also helps becuase I know how I wanted to be treated, so I can do that with her. I adore this girl. This week we are pretty packed, so as long as nothing else falls out (which it will) but then I will be ok :) We are going to Bad Münster Eifel today with the Elders and then we are going to go get me some tennis shoes from a 2nd hand store because for the last 3 weeks my foot has hurt so bad that I had to limp eveywhere ( I looked like a complete idoit, but it hurt so bad) we couldnt even go running...and we decided it was because of the impact of running on cement everyday, and my toe shoes have no cussion, so we will buy some new cheap shoes and see if that will help. I hope that everything goes well with you all this week and that you have a wonderful week. MOm, this mormon message is for you :) I thought about you right as I saw it. You go mom :) I love you and thank you for everything! There is no way that I would still be here if it were not for you! If there is anything else that I can do to help you there,,,,let me know :) I love and miss you and cant wait to see you in a couple of months (skype!) Lurve Leilani You never know
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 09:33:08 +0000

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