@Leke_Alder: Whenever He gets too close to a woman he takes off! - TopicsExpress


@Leke_Alder: Whenever He gets too close to a woman he takes off! Why? AKEEM THE RUNNER #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 1. Dear Jack, let me tell you about an athlete of renown. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 2. No, he’s not Usain Bolt, Ed Moses or Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco; or any of the ones the Press tout. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 3. He’s not known in Olympic circles. Never enters competitive sports. But he’s a great athlete. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 4. I’m talking about none other than Akeem Gomez. I’m sure you don’t know him. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 5. I didn’t too until I began to do research for some stuff I was working on. As I googled my brain his name dropped. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 6. Athletes specialize in either speed or endurance. And so you find athletes at one end specializing in 100m, 200m dash. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 7. At the other end are the long distance runners. The shorter end of that spectrum is of course the 400m run. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 8. From there things scale up in distance and complexity, to events ending with “lons”- triathlons, decathlons, etc-lons. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 9. Long distance races require a different kind of skill set from short distance races. Not just skills, capacities too. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 10. Training regimens are different. The high altitude training of a Kenyan athlete is not the same as Usain Bolt’s. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 11. Amazingly, Akeem Gomez is proficient in both short and long distance races. He’s incredible! #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 12. But Akeem’s sport is different from that of the Usain Bolts of this world, though both do athletics. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 13. Akeem specializes in emotional athletics. Once he finds himself getting too close to a woman he takes off! #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 14. To be honest, you can’t blame him for some of those sprints. You would in the same circumstances. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 15. Take the case of the girl who wanted to live off him. That was her goal, her one true objective. She didn’t love him! #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 16. Or take the disagreeable woman he attempted to date some years back. That proved a daunting proposition. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 17. Then there’s the diabolic who went after him with shaitan viciousness. She was cacodemonic. Akeem took off! #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 18. There’s also manipulative Mary. Took control of his life without a power of attorney. He realized and bailed. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 19. I know you’re wondering how come he attracts these kinds of women. Well, he’s a succeeding young man. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 20. Succeeding young men attract different types of women. And Akeem is nice. Kind. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 21. Remember what I told you Solomon said: Kindness makes a man attractive. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 22. Because Akeem is looking for serious relationship he tends to credit women with attributes in advance. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 23. He runs ahead of himself, like all young men do- progresses relationships in his imagination. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 24. He does meet women with some attributes he likes, but they always seem tattooed with punctuation marks. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 25. Some are tattooed with scary comas, some with tendentious semi-colons, and some with mystic exclamation marks. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 26. He thought some women were just friends, only to discover they had elaborately crafted designs on him. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 27. He’s sometimes felt like a fly being ogled by a spider. And once he spots danger signs, Akeem takes off. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 28. Akeem is afraid of falling into the bosom of a selfish woman. He’s encountered some in his short life. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 29. And then there are those impossible relationships- the types that can’t proceed for whatever reason. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 30. Like every young man Akeem has some specifics in mind. He just can’t translate them into life expressions. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 31. He wants peace for example. That’s strangely a FEELING…something inside. Not easy to express. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 32. He wants someone with cultural exposure, who speaks well; someone with a job of her own. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 33. Someone who fears God…someone he can make a home with, who can make a home… #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 34. He wants someone who truly wants him, not someone who just wants to marry. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 35. It’s one thing for someone to want to want you. You must make your own determination if the someone is good for you. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 36. He wants someone fair to look at- someone beautiful. But he doesn’t know that yet. His vanity does. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 37. Turns out the things he thinks are important are not really important. He doesn’t know this as well. But life does. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 38. And the things he thinks are not important- they are really important! Again he doesn’t know this. But his heart knows. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 39. One day Akeem sat down to ruminate over his issues- why he doesn’t seem to want to get too close to women. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 40. He discovered it’s kind of a combination of fear and honour. He’s afraid of being trapped with the wrong person... #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 41. And he also wants to keep his word when he gives it. So he’s careful. Doesn’t want to be obligated to the wrong person. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 42. But these are not strong enough. Something else was instigating his avoidance of intimate relationships. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 43. As he thought and thought the answer came. It had to do with his relationship with his mum. They are not close. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 44. His parents divorced when he was young…ten or eleven. It’s been a difficult relationship with his mum. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 45. She’s broken every confidentiality agreement they ever had. Can’t afford to confide in her again. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 46. The intimacy of natal natatorium was breached. Now he’s afraid of closeness to her…of her potential to inflict pain. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 47. His aversion to closeness with his mum translated into aversion to closeness with female species in general. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 48. Data confidentiality means a lot to a man, even from youth. He wants his confidences safe. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 49. If a man confides and the information is leaked or broadcast, the pain runs deep and the damage goes far. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 50. It’s not just about information trusteeship. It’s about confidentiality of emotions. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 51. What Akeem needs is an emotional investor. And usually she’s been there all along. But Akeem is not looking! #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 52. An emotional investor is sincere and truly loves. She stakes her heart. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 53. Who is Akeem? Akeem is every young man chasing shadows…who can’t see what’s right there beside him… #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 54. Akeem is every young man afraid of committing…afraid of making a mistake. He errs grievously on the side of caution. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 55. Akeem is every young man who doesn’t realize marriage is a faith adventure…that you’ll never control all the variables. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 56. Akeem is every young man ignoring what’s good, pursuing what’s bad, believing what’s good is always out there. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 57. Akeem is every young man who doesn’t realize vacuum is an invitation to space tourists and heart speculators. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 58. Akeem is every young man who in search of heart-shaped relationship gets entrapped in a groin-based relationship. #Letr2Jack @Leke_Alder: 59. Are you Akeem? Your mentor, LA. #Letr2Jack © Leke Alder talk2me@lekealder
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 20:07:23 +0000

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