Lemon The Benefits of Lemon are well documented. Did you know - TopicsExpress


Lemon The Benefits of Lemon are well documented. Did you know that Lemons (and limes) contain a supply of vitamins and minerals that is greater than any other food? Lemon is also known for its ability to clean toxins from the any part of the body. That includes the hair and scalp, digestive system and the kidneys, and much more! The simplest way to reap the benefits of lemon is to use Lemon Essential Oil. Lemon oil is always available and the oil doesn’t go bad when you don’t use it right away. Where did the name come from? We believe that lemons were native to Asia. The Romans called the lemon median apple. What Part of the Plant is Used? The rind. Did you know that the Romans used the lemon rind to ward off insects and freshen clothes? Also, the lemon and its oil were symbolized by the Roman goddess of youth, Juventas. What are the Plant Properties? Antitumoral, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, astringent, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulant, diuretic, digestive, expectorant, calming. What are the Documented Uses and Benefits of Lemon? Hair, acne, seborroea, skin conditions, infectious disease, impaired memory, gout, liver and kidney (cleansing), urinary tract infections, parasites, varicose veins, anxiety, insomnia. What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind? It is very uplifting to the body and mind. Very light and improves concentration. What is the Spiritual Influence? Because it is cleansing to spiritual bodies as well as the liver and kidney, it will release patterning and open the heart centers. The result is joy and hopefulness with clear thought. What Chakra is Affected? Opens the throat and heart centers. How do I use it? Use diluted - 50:50 dilution. Then apply several drops (2-4) on location
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 01:19:58 +0000

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