Let go of your Fears Suppose today was the last day of your life, - TopicsExpress


Let go of your Fears Suppose today was the last day of your life, what wisdom would you like to share with the world? If it were me, I would ask everyone to let go of their fears!! For far too long in my life, I lived with fears; primarily the fear of rejection, the fear of being judged, and the fear of the unknown. These fears held me back and didn’t let me blossom. As I got tired of being limited by my fears, other people’s opinions and my negative self-talk, I determined that enough was enough and decided to look the fears in the eye. As I did so I realized that some fear is natural in our life. It is there to protect us and ensure our survival; the problems come when the fear become irrational and we start fearing our destiny. I decided to let go of this irrational fear. As I let go of my irrational fear, things started changing. They didn’t change overnight but a definite shift happened. Earlier I used to let fear inhibit me and cramp my style, but now I don’t let it do so. I have learnt that we limit ourselves by our fears. We forget that no one is ever born ‘average’. We are all brilliant beings, who are filled to the brim with potential. Our potential is infinite and we are here on planet earth for a specific purpose. FEAR means False Evidence Appearing Real. We can unmask it by confronting it. Today, I would urge you to let go of all your unfounded fears. Don’t let them paralyze you and refrain you from moving forward. Remember, you have nothing to fear but fear itself. Have courage to walk through it in the direction of your dreams. Face your challenges calmly and confidently. Pray for strength and courage of conviction to come out of your struggles with flying colors. Here are some time tested tools to confront your fears and release them:- • Whenever you feel fearful take a deep breath and know that everything is in right order. All is well. • When you are falling into fear, say aloud, “God loves me. I don’t know what to do but the infinite power that has made this universe and lives within me does. I will receive help and guidance at the right time in the right manner.” • When you encounter any fear tell yourself, “I don’t have to move with it. I can transform it with my love.” • Whenever you feel fearful about a situation, thank it for teaching you a lesson and say, “Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for showing me where I am stuck, but I no longer support your being.” • Affirm loudly, “I choose to let go of all my fears. I have managed other challenges in my life; I am sure of managing this one too.” As you walk through your fears, you will find the strength to face all your challenges. The more you face your fears, bring them to the surface, and analyze them rationally, the more you will weaken them and dramatically reduce your reluctance to achieve your goals.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 03:09:39 +0000

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