Let me preface this by saying i dont condone domestic violence!!! - TopicsExpress


Let me preface this by saying i dont condone domestic violence!!! I hate hearing people say that there is no excuse for a man to put his hands on a woman uh yea there is if a woman is bout that life and feel like she can go toe to toe with a man then what just sit there and let her bkeat that ass... So its cool that a woman hit a man but when he try to defend himself then he a coward and all that but what is she... I remember growing up we was taught that if she big enuff to throw a punch then yall know the rest... Hell when I was coming up and going to the state fair fighting there was a chic named bkloody Mary from west Dallas that niggas used to really talk about how she was knoccin niggas out at the fair.. So since she a woman she doesnt have the power to knocc you out break ur jaw shoot you stab you r whatever else.. Come on now women talk about a double.standard well is that aint one then I dont know what is.. Ladies if you have a son thats in school and you find out out that a girl just keep on messing with him after he has exhausted all means of trying to elude the inevitable what is going to bke ur last resort as a solution.. Bke honest.... Now I dont condone or advocate for domestic violence either way I watched it growing up and it was a messed up situation but it goes both ways its a dude I work with that his wife bkeats him up and take his checc while she sits on her but all day and he has to call her and ask her if its ok for him to spend his own money and I bke like Whaaaaaatttttt but I told him he must like it..... IM just speaking on this in lieu of the recent developments in the ray rice story.... The overall synopsis everybody keep their hands to themselves....
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:41:52 +0000

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