Let me tell you a story about a little brown dog. Who managed to - TopicsExpress


Let me tell you a story about a little brown dog. Who managed to change everything. Even though he was just a tiny, scared of everything (but the mailman), little brown dog. I was living alone in a small studio house near downtown, working 3 jobs, and trying to get by. I was lonely, and was looking for a new pet. I had suffered the loss of another dog 6 months before, from sudden liver failure, and finally felt the overwhelming need for companionship. I looked at several well-known and funded shelters, but couldnt afford the prices they were asking. I looked on Craigslist, and discovered that mostly, the pets offered there were scams. I did, however, find a woman who assisted last-day dogs find owners. She was making a run to a shelter in Trinidad, CO. About 200 miles from my house. A stranger. A woman. Trusting a strange man met over the interwebz.This remarkable woman drove me, and 2 other strangers to this shelter, where we all managed to adopt a dog. The dog I was originally going to look at was not a good fit. It was clear that we wouldnt have done well together. I thought I would end up going home alone, but there was this little brown dog suddenly barking directly at me. Not barking, like Im going to eat you, but barking like Hey Dummy!! Im RIGHT HERE!!!! No, HERE!!!! I asked about Jose, and we took a walk. It was immediately clear that he was a good, fine dog, and that we could be buddies. He was timid, but still trusting. Scared, but willing. He let me lead him, till he was willing to take the lead, gently pulling harder and going on to the next smell. Like so much we would share. He trusted that I would never bring him somewhere bad. Poor Jack Tiny had been rescued from a property nearby, where he had been kenneled outside, 24 hours a day, for 5 months till he was rescued. Once rescued, he was on his 3rd last-day. Twice before, online, someone had pledged to adopt him, only to get to the shelter, and say That dog? NOWAY! Hes too ugly! Go ahead and put him down~ His card read Unknown history, possible behavioral issues/confinement. We didnt mind. The ride home was quite intense. I held him safe the whole 3 hours, and we slept together for part of it. I suppose I should mention that I had worked a triple shift the day before, from 8 am till 3 am, then met my ride a half hour South of my house at 5am. Jack was also the smallest adoption by 50 lbs. The others were big or even bigger dogs, and rambunctious to be out of the shelter. We got plenty of amused looks by the truckers and traffic around us on the ride home. 3 hours down, 3 hours back, about an hour and a half for the adoption process, and by the time I got home, it was SIGNIFICANTLY later than I thought. There was very little time to let him adapt to the new place before I was to be at another VERY IMPORTANT EVENT. It was the first actual date date for me and my now wife Jennifer Piel Welzenbach Taylor. Jenn had been working so very hard to make this happen, and it was the 3rd time we had tried, with me cancelling twice before. It would have been my last shot as well. I called her ahead of time, and asked the unthinkable on a first date. Can I bring my dog? Women and some men are now shaking their heads and saying You DIDNT!! but yes, I did, and Jenn was so unexplainably kind and understanding, that she said Sure, if you feel you need to.. I dunno about the cats, but itll be fine, Im sure! The story of our first date is one of the most comedic, unbelievable set of circumstances to ever come together not on a stage off-Broadway. Jenn toiled ALL DAY to make me the most amazing home cooked meal I had ever had. She ate fresh berries, and fruit, and more stuff all day while becoming more anxious about the upcoming spectacle. I had planned on getting actual sleep during the afternoon. That never happened. I arrived to her home with new dog in tow. He is offish, and scared of Jenn at first. We sat down to eat, and I got very comfortable. Too comfortable, and while we watched a movie, I fell asleep. Not just dozing, but full on, out cold, algebra class drooling kind of asleep. And Jack started growling. At Jenn. Who from nerves and too much fruit, was suddenly in her own distress. But was trapped, under a passed-out 200 lb hibernating bear, with a ferocious wolverine inches away, possibly rabid, ready to eat her if she got too close. Her condition finally became emergent, and she bolted for the bath. At that moment, Figaro, my favorite cat she owned, came out to say Hi!. Snuggled up, then looked over. Noticed the dog. Noticed. The. Dog. DOG?!! And clawed my hand and finger on his escape. Jenn emerges from the bathroom, I am pouring blood staunching it with a used dinner napkin, while Jenn is trying to understand what has happened. It was blindingly clear that the date was over, and no, there was no kiss, but the lucky knowledge that we were close enough friends that we could look at everything and laugh.. Eventually. Jenn finally forgave little Jack Tiny, and Jack Tiny quickly forgave Jenn. I took a new job that required leaving him alone during the day, which he didnt do so well with at first. Jenn kept him for me, and they quickly became best friends. She taught him to play and to be a dog again. Jack was a gift, and a blessing, and I was lucky to have found him when I did. He led me home.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:38:22 +0000

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