Lets drop the judgement! That girl who’s hijab isn’t - TopicsExpress


Lets drop the judgement! That girl who’s hijab isn’t “perfect”? She accepted Islam just two weeks ago. That woman you see smoking? She is in an abusive marriage and doesn’t know how to get out of it. That awful lesbian girl? Two months later was found to have a jinn that was attracted to girls. That mother who isn’t taking care of her daughter and isn’t helping her with school work? She is going through a divorce. That lady who speaks rudely? She was brought up by abusive parents and has learned not to trust people. Before you think of your wonderful house, marriage and parenting skills, before you appreciate your hijab, salah and recitation of the Quran. Do you think you have perfected your character and deen to make judgements on others? No-THINK: have you been sent by Allah on earth to be a judge? Aren’t your imperfections keeping you busy enough? Or have you forgotten that you have a lot of work to do with your heart, tongue and mind? Drop the judgement; we are all in life struggling to do our best. STOP the judgements; if you have experienced trauma, loss and disappointment, you know that you can get out of hand and do things that don’t match your character. The Prophet salaAllahu alayhi wa sallam said “The goodness of one’s Islam is leaving what does not concern him”. You want to give naseeha you say? There is a strategy, place and time for it, but it definitely doesn’t begin at judging a passerby or a parent of your student. How do you expect a person you are not close to, to respond after they receive a text from you out of the blue saying “My dear sister do you think it is right for you to have such a profile picture?” The obvious response would be that of one being defensive and feeling attacked. Have you wondered about the man who the Prophet advised “Do not be angry”? Did the Prophet not know that this man had anger issues before the man came to ask him for advice? He did, but when did he find that the time was fit to guide him? He did so when he knew the man was ready to listen to him – when the man came to ask him. Naseeha has steps, the most crucial one being building rapport. The Arabs say “The one who loves is easy to follow his loved one”. Before you start throwing judgemental words, build a bridge and become approachable, just as our ProphetsalaAllahu alayhi wa sallam did. Drop the judgement and have faith in the Ummah of the Prophet salaAllahu alayhi wa sallam. Drop the judgement and have mercy on the Prophet’ssalaAllahu alayhi wa sallam beloved people. Drop the judgement because you don’t know what you will be like tomorrow. Drop the judgement because you aren’t any better than any other. Drop the judgement because you weren’t sent as a judge. Drop the judgement because you don’t know your fate on the day of judgement. Drop the judgement because it is hard being in the shoes of the one being judged. ~Mufida
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 21:31:25 +0000

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