Lets get a little perspective over this picture of a baby with a - TopicsExpress


Lets get a little perspective over this picture of a baby with a toy gun. Toy guns have been among the most common and ubiquitous toys since I was a kid. Every boy played cowboys and indians, a perpetual fantasy war in which both sides spent a lot of time shooting each other. The second most popular Christmas movie is all about a kid who wants a toy rifle for Christmas. Meanwhile the last time I looked, the percentage of Americans with guns has been going down, not up, for quite a while. Whatever you think about guns in general, the mass presence of toy guns is hardly new or unusual. As for things like this going around the internet, the most recent big viral thing was a bogus riddle that convinced people to change their profile picture to a giraffe. The mob mentality is getting a little tedious. And meanwhile, kids memories dont go back to the age of the youngster in the picture. The child wont remember it, doesnt know what a gun is, and might as well be playing with a potato masher for all the effect it will have on him.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 17:17:27 +0000

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