Lets see...July 4th...plans got switched to Sunday. We stayed in - TopicsExpress


Lets see...July 4th...plans got switched to Sunday. We stayed in just chilled. Watched the soccer game and watched on you tube soccer greats. I am learning so much about soccer. Early on July fourth I saw across the street, police, moving struck...neighbor and her relatives stuffing couch cushions and other home items into her jeep. After they left, I approached a young guy and his friend and asked what was going on with police. He said that he bought the property and my neighbor was trespassing. She and her 2 children lived in that Condo before I moved there...I had no idea that she got foreclosed upon. The moving truck was there because she only had 5 minutes to get the rest of her stuff out. Her son is a good kid. So that is how July 4th started. Well I read that Hurricane Arthur is passing by Cape Cod.... This Am Inprsyed fir strength, His strength because I just about ran out...later I discovered a guy named Mark Passio in a you tube video from a 3 part seminar on Natural Law. I reviewed part one and boy is he on to something. I am rejuvenated with his insights and knowledge he spent years searching within himself to find. There are such smart people here and there in this country...one major eye opener that summed up family court is that it goes against natural laws. This is why mothers and fathers but particularly protective mothers go out of whack...it is just not natural for AFCC and attorney backed courts to place custody with a parent with the least assets in order to suck out from the parent with the most. This is why truth us ignored, papers and filings are ignored or switched around...on and on...delays under false premise Mercy of the court... When a court cites mercy of the court, that translates to there is no mercy here for children Okay, dont say its your fault...when a court rips custody away from a parent based on a hunch it is under natural law, you have to proceed by force...not that you agree ...the objective there is money and youre objective is your child...so the entire ordeal is unnatural and needs to be dismantled in its entirety and rebuilt...if Massachusetts decides for a more honest dignified way to generate revenue. Another blessed concept I learned is the difference between Nescience and Ignorance. Nescience is not knowing but it is not your fault because the information is not revesked or you have to spent all your time equal to attending law school to know (same difference, both unrealistic). Ignorance implies choosing not to know or should know. This implies personal responsibility and blame. So how corrupt court works is you should know everything and because you dont it is your fault you do not have your child it is quite psychotic steeped in magical thinking, like how a 2 yo views their omnipotent parents. This how how they get away with it...and then the badness gets projected onto you. Is this demonic cult stuff or what? I do pray Family Court gets demolished and rebuilt because it is a soul robber especially for those entrapped in it. As you can see, I was so joyed to learn these principles that I knew but could not find the right words...I just looked cross eyed a lot of the times then. Yes, it really was about the all seeing eye craziness ...both money and Govt. As god...all contrived perceptions. This takes me back to this am, of the mom and 2 children forced out of their condo and the new young kid who bought it. It was obvious that this was a forced arrangement. The big bankers want their money and interests and everyone rationalize the entire ordeal...we have forgotten natural law of things and I pray she has found resources...because again, there are children involved...and it really has nothing to do with how it looks . God said my people perish for lack of knowledge there is this every man for himself mentality because of lack of knowledge...and this produces fear. I dont agree with his opinion about Christianity (clumped into all the other religions) ...yet he acknowledged thst Natural Law us binding, spiritual and designed by our Creator. I suggest listening this seminar...its an eye opener. Whats great is his stated conviction to share this knowledge freely. This is why I introduced him and trust the Holy Spirit in me to discern truth vs. opinions. Look I am convinced, Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life...not every one is there yet and that is a choice. Now personally I am remaining in faith concerning deliverance of my situation of however Jesus sees fit...and I have come to this also in a calculated intellectualized rational manner...because what is happening to me and many others defies not only natural law but reality (world) itself...i am encouraged by his forthright and honesty...and although many cannot see (someone for example suggested fasting to get myself going) my mist active time is when i pray to my heavenly father and hear back...i guess he would call it a higher state of consciousness. On a lighter note, son is teasing me...asked about what it was like to live when the American flag had the original colonies or what it was like driving on horse and buggy...ha ha ha...so I am hitting back with why dont you read a book?mHow about the 3 little pigs or the little engine that could? He says...Hey im a big 14 years old! Okay...too much writing...have a blessed evening... Praise the Lord!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 01:11:45 +0000

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