Lets talk for a minute about freedom: Without exception, the - TopicsExpress


Lets talk for a minute about freedom: Without exception, the only people cheering the refusal to indict the policeman who murdered Eric Garner (remember, for selling loose cigarettes) are also the people who scream the loudest about governmental overreach, regulations forcing us into a police state, and Obamacare (or the EPA or Benghazi or Obama or...you get the point) destroying the fabric of American society. Lets frame this properly: you people are arguing that the police are perfectly justified in KILLING A HUSBAND AND FATHER because (1) he was breaking the law by selling loose cigarettes and (2) he argued with the police who wanted to arrest him. If he didnt want to die, he should have just followed the cops orders to let them arrest him for SELLING LOOSE CIGARETTES. You are the same people who post Dont Tread On Me flags in response to the government REQUIRING YOU TO BUY HEALTH INSURANCE. You are the same people who warn of a revolution or civil unrest because of ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES, FEDERAL CONTROL OF PUBLIC LAND, or HIGH TAXES. In other words, having to buy health insurance, paying higher taxes, or not being able to take federal land and sell it to oil developers are all grievous injustices that form a fair and reasonable structure to support talk of a revolution. BUT NONE OF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH KILLING AN UNARMED AND NON-VIOLENT MAN FOR ARGUING ABOUT AN ARREST FOR SELLING LOOSE CIGARETTES. If you have ever complained about government overreach in your life, and your response to the Eric Garner debacle was he should have cooperated with the police; after all, he was breaking the law, then youre wholly incapable of rational thought.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 00:26:36 +0000

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