Letter on Fasting Worapong Jariyaphruttipong, (Sidney) June 19, - TopicsExpress


Letter on Fasting Worapong Jariyaphruttipong, (Sidney) June 19, 2009 Most people believe that fasting is something you do only when you are in a crisis. We can see examples of this kind of fasting both in the Old Testament and from people’s testimonies. However, I would like to suggest that we fast as a spiritual discipline! In Matthew Jesus says: “when you give alms” (v.2), “when you pray” (v.6) and “when you fast” (v.16). The word “when” means that this is something you do regularly, all three parts. 2 Cor. 11:27 is in a context of Paul’s sufferings. In this verse, he is talking about hunger and fasting. Hunger is when you don’t have enough food and fasting is a choice of refraining from food. Both are for Paul a part of being an apostle. Isaiah 58 talks about having the right attitude to fasting as well as about the blessings of fasting. There are many misunderstandings concerning fasting. Earlier I thought that long periods of fasting were something only spiritual giants could do. If you are an ordinary Christian you couldn’t do it. Now I have met many new Christians doing long periods of fasting for 30 or 40 days. And it seems to be easier for new Christians to do long periods of fasting because they have no fear for fasting or the background like other Christians have. Another thing that might stop people from fasting is the fear that this may threaten your health. The truth is the opposite. Medical science says that we should fast for our health’s sake because the fast cleanses our bodies and toxic substances leave. How do you prepare yourself for fasting? 1. You should have a goal for your fasting. It is always good to have a main reason for fasting but there might be other reasons as well. It could be revival in the country, salvation for relatives, dealing with your own sins and life style, to listen to God’s voice, to receive God’s power or the fruits of the Spirit. I have been fasting in order to grow in favor, both before God and people, Lk 2:40. Today we should be fasting for revival and the movement of the Spirit in our countries, 2 Chro. 7:14. 2. You should prepare yourself spiritually. The basic of fasting is to come closer to God. We pray and confess our sins before we fast because sin is an obstacle to your fellowship with God and is a weak point where Satan can attack you. During the fast the Holy Spirit can guide your thoughts to other sins which you haven’t been aware of earlier but now should confess. 3. You should prepare your body. The bodily preparation makes the fasting less painful. We eat smaller portions, reduce sugar, fat and coffee before we start fasting, three days before starting the fast. 4. Pray for the Lord’s guidance. Pray that the Holy Spirit will show you what kind of fasting that God wants you to do. There are various kinds of fasting: Fasting where you neither drink or eat anything (not recommended); fasting when you don’t eat but only drink water; fasting when you only drink water and juice; fasting when you eat fruit and vegetables. You can refrain from food one meal or all meals a day. Or for one day or 7, 21 or 40 days. You can have as a goal to fast for 10 days in a row and then extend it to 20 or 30 days. Fasting is something we do voluntarily. There is nothing that is right or wrong. I suggest that the best way of fasting is to drink water and fruit juice. This makes it possible for you to do lighter work normally. Normally I live as usual, translate books, preach or drive my car, even on day 40. 5. Consult your doctor. If you have a disease and take medicine regularly please consult a doctor who knows about fasting. Pregnant women and mothers who breast feed should not fast. Elder people may fast. Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, did his first 40 days fast when he was 73 years old. After that he fasted for 40 days every year. 6. Make a decision about a place and time to spend with God. The main reason for fasting is to have time for prayer, fellowship, worship, Bible reading etc and listen to God’s voice. At least you should use the time you normally use for meals to pray. 7. Get yourself a note-book. Write down what happens during the days you fast. What happens to your body, what God says to you, any new understanding of the Scriptures, what you have decided to do. Not just for your own sake but also to be able to witness to others and challenge them to fast. Can I tell others that I am fasting? Jesus taught his disciples about fasting in Matthew 6. Here Jesus says that you should not tell others that you are fasting as a way of bragging about it. Jesus warns us not to be hypocrites like the Pharisees who were gladly talking about their good deeds. Fasting is not something we do to show that we are spiritual heroes or to brag in front of others. Fasting does not make us a spiritual elite but more humble. When you fast, your testimony to others is depending on your attitude. Satan does not want us to fast and does not want us to invite others to fast together with us. On the other hand, if we don’t tell others that we are fasting how can we mentor others on fasting? How can we invite others to join us? How can we fast together as a church? When you fast it is not necessary to tell others. But if you share with others then do it to encourage that person that you are fasting for him or her. Or encourage that person to fast together with you. How to fast 1. Drink water and juice. During the first two days you should drink lots of water. Because during these days, your body will cleanse you from toxic substances and you will find this hard. From day 3 to day 40 you should drink water and at least 250 cc. of fruit juice (use plain juice, not concentrated). Mix the fruit juice with water. Some people cook vegetables and drink the water out of this. Avoid sour juice. This might give you diarrhea, also avoid coffee. Abstain from drinking milk as milk will affect your stomach and makes fasting more difficult. You get what you need through water and juice. Sometimes I take honey. Sometimes I put syrup in the water to make it easier to drink. During a long fast you have to drink a lot of water. 2. How long should I be fasting? One day fasting. You can start fasting after the evening meal on Friday or Saturday and then start eating again after 24 hours. Use your time of fasting to pray for special issues on the hour. After praying you chose a verse of Scripture to read and use some time to meditate over the Scripture throughout the 24 hours. All the time you can be worshipping and talking to God. But remember to pray for your prayer requests every new hour. During this kind of fasting I recommend you to drink only water. If we fast only one day a week we still fast 52 days a year! Three days fasting. I suggest that you start after the evening meal on Thursday and break the fast on Sunday evening. You do the same things as in the one day fast but now you can read more from the Bible and meditate over the Scripture verses. 40 days fasting. My suggestion is that if you never have fasted before you still start with a 40 days fast. A 40 days fast very often leads to great breakthroughs in our lives. It is not more difficult as most people think. I also have a proposal regarding inviting others to fast. You can form a group of 7 people where every person is fasting one day a week. One person on Monday, another on Tuesday and so on. In this way there is always someone fasting every day in the week. If everybody promises to fast one day a week you will together be fasting every day that year. You may do like this every year and invite others to form similar groups. If we can start these kinds of groups here your country will be covered with prayer and fasting for revival. During the fast 1. Save energy. Take breaks. Fasting is to give the body a time of rest. Your body is resting from digesting food. You may have some side effects: stomach pain, head ache, dizziness, bad smell, dark urine, body odor and even vomiting. All these are normal side effects. Fever might also come. During your fasting your body is cleansed and is taking care of itself. Avoid heavy labor. Exercise moderately if you only drink water and fruit juice. 2. Be prepared for going to the bathroom often. 3. Be prepared for change of temper and easily be upset. All this is normal. You can be tempted. Don’t believe that you are a bad person because of this. If you react with anger then confess your sin to God. 4. Be prepared for changes in your body. The first two days you will be very hungry. After the third day the hunger feelings will disappear but may return somewhat some days. But hunger is in your mind all the time. Sometimes you may tend to faint if you stand up quickly. Stand up slowly in order to avoid these kinds of problems. Sometimes when I am fasting I will wake up and think that I am dying. I lack the energy to rise up from bed and it might be difficult to breathe. After some rest, however, I can then rise from my bed and nothing abnormal happens. Don’t go to bed late and take the rest you need. 5. Your brain will think more clearly from day 3 to day 40. Sometimes we may have headaches but it will pass. This is the time when we are smartest because the body doesn’t have to use any energy to digest any food. All energy can be channeled to the brain! The first time I fasted for 40 days I translated a whole book. 6. Don’t forget to pray. When you fast you will think a lot about food. When we think about food we should try to change focus and instead pray and read the Bible. 7. Write down what is happening. This is good to have when we look back at what God has shown us during our time of fasting. How to finish a fast After a longer time of fasting you should begin with simple and small portion of food during the first 3 days. But you can eat often. Eat like when you recover after a long time of illness. To eat heavier food after a long fast means can be harmful. There is even a risk of death. When can I start my next fast? You should eat double the time you have fasted before starting another long fast. What can you learn from fasting? Even if you don’t have any hunger feelings your stomach still wants food. Food that earlier has not been of any interest to you now you suddenly want to eat. When we are fasting we may think that we want to break the fast earlier than planned. Continue, be persistent, the longing for food will pass. This is a psychological problem not a physical one. If you cannot fast the whole time you planned, don’t be sorry. Start again another time. Fasting is voluntary. God answers prayers during our time of fasting. It might be personal problems or understanding of the Bible. Fasting brings you closer to God and His voice. You will learn new disciplines during the fast. Whenever I fast my thoughts are changed to always seek God. If you do so during 40 days you will be easier to come in contact with Him. God’s power is coming more over my life, both concerning teaching, preaching or while talking to other people. What we share with others also bring them closer to God. Bill Bright says in his book, The Coming Revival: “If you sincerely humble yourself for God in confession, prayer and worship and meditate on His word, you will experience a stronger feeling of His presence and also your faith and trust in God will be strengthened. You will be physically, psychologically and spiritually renewed. Fasting is the greatest prolonged blessing in my life”. Most people will experience some kind of a revival as a result of fasting. But as we need a daily portion of the Holy Spirit, we also need new times of fasting. A single fast is not the answer for everything once and for all. John and Charles Wesley suggested fasting two days a week in order to keep the flesh under control and keep the closeness to God that fasting gives. I like food a lot. I love food. If I have to choose between eating and not eating, I will choose eating. Because I want to develop my Christian life and want to see revival come to my country, I choose to fast and pray before food. If you want to see revival in your country then I suggest that you pray and fast. Don’t believe Satan’s words that you cannot do it. I have seen people in all ages, even new believers do 40 day fast. God will help you. But you must pray and fast with all your heart. When I fasted the first time I never felt any side effects on my body because I prayed for that. Even if I sometimes will have some discomforts I still have not broken any period of fasting earlier than planned. When I have made up my mind I know that God will help my all the way. Recommended books on fasting ”The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting”, written by Mahesh Chavda, published by Destiny Image. Parts of this article are adapted from, The Coming Revival, by Bill Bright. Sidney (Worapong Jariyaphruttipong)
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 19:57:13 +0000

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