Letter to my dear President: Your Excellency President Morgan - TopicsExpress


Letter to my dear President: Your Excellency President Morgan Tsvangirai Sir, I write to you in my capacity as a concerned MdcT member and admin on many MdcT platforms. There are wars raging across 99.9% of all these platforms and the bone of contention has been the issue of our partys Secretary General position which has pit the supporters of Messrs Mwonzora and Chamisa battling it out. Mr President, the battlefield is scattered with victims with bashed heads, blue eyes, broken noses and broken limbs. It is by the grace of the Heavens above that we have not had any cases of vultures hovering above to feast on any corpses for there havent been any. Your Excellency, the squabbles I have cited could have been avoided and can be avoided in future if we get bold enough and established an intelligence that we could feel bold enough to write home about. You see Mr President, a dossier on each and every single person around you would be the solution. For there are people like Esau Milanzi and various other committed soldiers of change here who are willing to make things happen for our struggle for each and every daily dossier on each and every person would amongst other things, give you up-to-date information on: (i) who they have been talking to (photo and audio proof supplied and other) and the compilers opinion as to why (ii) where and who they had supper with (photo proof of subject/s and location and other) (iii) where they slept and with who (photo proof and other) It is my humble opinion, Your Excellency, that we would stem all our problems by having a 3-tier system of reconnoitre and surveillance in place because purported verbal declarations of allegiance to our ideals is never enough. Because allegiance is built on conviction and convictions change and can be manipulated with and over time. Lastly, find it within yourself and find time off your busy schedule to seek experts opinions on this matter. We need this Your Excellency. God bless you Your Excellency Esau Milanzi
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:14:26 +0000

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