Let’s Pretend it’s Love Chapter 16 – Covering Bruises and - TopicsExpress


Let’s Pretend it’s Love Chapter 16 – Covering Bruises and More Packing A Niall Horan Fanfic I woke up the next morning and screamed as I rolled over and no longer felt the bed under me. I squealed as I fell off the bed and landed on the floor with a thud. Oh God. My head hurt like hell and my eyes felt like they would explode. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. “Oh God, oh God, oh God.” “So, how are you this fine morning?” I heard a way too chipper voice from above me ask. I opened one eye to see a smiling blonde head looking at me from over the edge of the bed. “Shh. Please stop yelling. I have a headache.” I said closing my eyes again. He laughed. “That’s not a headache, love. That is called a hangover.” “I know it’s a hangover.” I opened my eyes and looked at him as I pushed all my hair back. My eyes widened when I saw his purple and brown jaw. “Oh my God.” I said ignoring my headache and climbing onto the bed. I sat next to Niall and turned his head so I could better examine his jaw. “Wow.” I said lightly touching it. He pulled away. “Ow.” “Your mum’s going to freak out when she sees this.” “Yeah. I’ll give my mum a heart attack when I explain what happened.” I looked down and then thought of an idea. “Come on.” I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of bed. “Where are we going?” He asked as I pulled him to the bathroom. “Why are we in my bathroom?” I held up my index finger to him and grabbed my makeup bag. I opened it up and looked through it until I found what I wanted. I pulled out the cover up and held it up to his face. It matched his skin complexion really nicely. I smiled and opened the bottle. “You aren’t seriously about to put makeup on my face.” I scoffed and put all my weight on one leg. “Yes. I’m trying to hide that giant bruise on your face. Besides, you should be used to having makeup on with being who you are.” He didn’t say anything so I grabbed a makeup sponge and dapped it in the bottle before applying it to his jaw. He flinched. “Ow. Do you have to press so hard?” He asked. I gave him a look. “I’m not! I’m just trying to make sure it won’t wipe off.” “And that requires pressing so roughly?” I rolled my eyes and shook my head going back to putting makeup on his face “What in the heck?” Someone yelled barging into Niall’s room. I stepped out into Niall’s room and saw Greg standing there. “Greg. What are you doing in here?” “What are YOU guys doing in here?” “This is Niall’s bedroom?” “I know that, but what are you actually doing? I heard something outside I don’t think I can un-hear. “ I furrowed my eyebrows. “I’m just applying cover up to Niall’s face.” I said, “Oh.” Greg said not looking so disturbed anymore. “Wait, what? Cover up?” Greg said suddenly registering what I really said. “Yeah.” I said walking back into the bathroom and picking the sponge up off the sink. Greg came in and he looked confused when he saw me lightly dabbing the sponge on Niall’s face. “Why is Niall wearing cover up?” Greg asked coming into the bathroom. “I got in a fight last night and I don’t want mum to worry when she sees a bruise on my face.” Niall said like it was nothing. “You got in a fight!?” “Shh!” I yelled. “The point is to NOT let your mum find out.” “Why were you in a fight last night?” “One of my crazy ex’s was there and wouldn’t leave me alone.” I said adding more makeup to the sponge. “Aw, and Niall lost the fight?” Niall and I both glared at him. “No.” Niall said. “I actually won the fight. I’m not the one that walked away with a bloody nose. I only got a bruised jaw.” “Yeah, speaking of bruised jaws...” I said grabbing Niall’s head and turning it so I could finish applying make up to his face. “Hey, Greg?” I asked a few seconds later. “Yeah?” “What did you think was going on in here that made you barged in?” “Oh.” He said chuckling. “Not important.” I stared at him. “I don’t even want to know.” I said blending the make up a little bit better with my finger on Niall’s face. I blended in one more spot and threw my hands up in the air. “You’re done!” I shouted. Niall looked in the mirror observing it. “Wow, looks like nothing happened. Thanks, babe.” He said kissing my cheek. “Oh come on, Niall. She just saved your ass from being chewed off by mum.” Greg said. “I think she deserves a better kiss than that.” I laughed. “Nah, that’s ok. I don’t kiss guys who are wearing more make up then I am.” I said smiling and walking out of the room. “Dude,” I heard Greg say after I walked out. “You need to keep her.” * “It was so nice meeting you, Bianca.” “You too, Maura.” I said giving her a hug. “You and Niall just come back anytime you want. It was so fun having you over.” I pulled out of the hug and smiled at Maura. “We will come back over sometime.” I stepped back and let Niall hug his mum. “Promise to remember to call often?” Maura asked as a plane flew over the tops of our heads. Niall nodded his head. “Promise.” “I’d keep this one if I were you, Ni.” I heard Maura say quietly to Niall. Niall smiled and picked up his bag handle and held his free hand out to me. I grabbed his free hand and Niall threw a smile to his mum. “Bye, mum. Love you.” “Love you too, Ni. Have a safe flight.” She said waving to us as we walked into the airport hand-in-hand both of us pulling our suitcases behind us. We were finally on the plane and, again, I let Niall sit by the window. “You’re not going to bug me about being hungry again, right?” I asked as we sat down. “You’re not going to go off on a flight attendant out of jealousy again, right?” “I was not jealous!” He smiled. “You sure about that?” “Niall, I have no reason to be jealous of a girl who flirts with you. I’m forced and get paid to do that.” “Well then.” He said pretending to look hurt and I just laughed. “But I was thinking, when we get back, should we get the rest of your stuff from your flat?” “Uhh, probably. We need to put some stuff in a storage place, though.” He furrowed his brow. “Why?” “For things that I’m not going to have at your flat. Like my couch, bed, dresser, and other stuff like that.” “Oh. True.” “I would say my TV as well but that had a bullet through it and you had it removed when people cleaned the flat.” “Yeah. You’re welcome for that, by the way.” “I’m pretty sure I already thanked you for that, Ni.” He froze. “Did you just call me Ni?” I stopped and thought about what I said. “No. I said ‘Niall’.” “You sure? Didn’t sound like it.” “Since when are we close enough to use nicknames?” “I don’t know. You said it.” I groaned suddenly remembering that I did call him that, but there was no way I was giving up. “I did not!” “Did too.” “Whatever, Ni.” I said smiling to myself. “See? You did it again!” “Did what again?” I asked looking back at Niall with a completely oblivious face. I was trying to make him think he was going crazy and hearing things and so far it was working. “You called me Ni.” “I didn’t call you, Ni. I said ‘Niall’.” I said smirking. His face fell. “You’re not funny.” “I’m sorry, Ni.” I said biting my lip to stop myself from smiling. He crossed his arms across his chest and made a pouty face obviously trying not to laugh. “Not. Funny.” He said as I leaned against his shoulder laughing while he tried to keep the pouty face going. “Excuse me.” A voice said from above us. I stopped laughing and looked over at the two girls who were standing in front of our seats. “Hi, we don’t mean to bother you but... could we maybe get a picture with the two of you?” The one said nervously biting her lip. “Sure.” I said as we both stood up and walked in the aisle way. One of the flight attendants took the picture and Niall gave them an autograph. “There you are, Love.” He said handing her back her pen and notebook. ”Thank you. I’m a total Nianca shipper by the way.” Niall furrowed his brow. “Nianca?” I looked over at her and noticed her friend recording the whole thing. Might as well put a show on for the people of the Internet that I was sure would see it. I smiled and looped my arm around Niall’s torso and leaned into him. “Yeah. Niall plus Bianca equals Nianca.” The one girl stated like it should be common sense. I laughed. “Duh. You couldn’t figure that on out on your own?” He looked down at me and the look in his eye told me he wanted to reply with some sort of smart-aleck comment but, instead, he just shook his head and looked back at the girls. We sat down and Niall sighed. “So not only do our parents approve of us, but so do the fans. They’re going to be so heart broken when the time comes.” “That’s not true. My mum doesn’t approve so not all of our parents approve.” He rolled his eyes. “Ok, but 75% of our parents do.” “Oo! Someone can do math.” “Would you just shut up?” “Would you lighten up? So what if, for the most part, people like us together? They’ll get over us breaking up. Yeah, they’ll be disappointed but I know they’ll forget about it.” He sighed. “Maybe.” He mumbled leaning his head against the window. “Why are you getting all worked up about it now, anyways? They probably won’t make us break up for a while.” “I know.” He mumbled putting his hood up and closing his eyes. I sighed and sat back putting my seatbelt on as I felt the plane start down the runway. * We walked inside Niall’s flat and I carried my bag up the stairs and threw it on my bed from the doorway. “So.” I heard a voice call from directly behind me making jump. I spun around to see Niall standing behind me. “Should we start boxing things up at your flat?” “Uh, yeah. Wait, now?” “Yes, now.” “Oh. Ok. Yeah, let’s go.” I said taking the lead and bounding down the stairs, hearing his footsteps behind me. I climbed in the passenger seat of Niall’s Range Rover and he quickly joined me, sitting in front of the wheel. “So what are exactly are we bringing back?” I asked. “Any other clothes you may have there, any knick-knack things or decorations you might want. Something like that.” “Oh, ok. And then when do we drop the other stuff off at the storage place?” “I got some guys to do that for you. They do that tomorrow.” “Oh, wow. Thank you.” He smiled and glanced at me. “You’re welcome. Now, which one is your apartment again?” He asked as he pulled into the complex. “You mean you don’t remember from when you broke in?” “I did not ‘break in’. I had a key.” “That I was not aware was made.” “Hey, I didn’t make it. Management did just in case I ever needed in your flat and your weren’t there. Now where do I turn?” “Go straight. Turn right at the fork. And I guess you don’t need the key anyways.” “This was before the whole break-in thing. Turn right here?” “Yeah, then stop at the third to last one. Seriously, how did you forget? We came before we left for Ireland so I could get more clothes.” “Ok, that was like two weeks ago. I’ve slept since then.” I rolled my eyes. “Just park here.” He pulled the car to the side and turned it off. “All of the boxes are already inside, aren’t they?” “Duh.” I said laughing and getting out. I walked up to the door and unlocked the door. The room was dark and you could the dust in the air through the tiny rays of sunlight that the crept through the window blind’s cracks. I turned on the light and saw the boxes sitting in the corner of the room. I picked up a medium sized box and walked up the stairs with it. I threw it on the bed and walked over to my nightstand and put my photo frames in it. A couple minutes later, I heard Niall’s footsteps coming up the stairs. I turned around and saw him leaning on the doorway with his hands in his pockets and his right foot resting behind his left one. “Hey, what took so long?” I asked folding a shirt and placing it in the box. “I got a call from management.” I furrowed my brow at him and walked back into my closet. “What’d they want?” I asked as I pulled another shirt from the hanger and walked back into the room with it. He shrugged. “Nothing important.” I put the shirt in the box and stared at him. “You sure about that? It was nothing important?” I asked propped myself up on my arms and staring at him. He ran a hand threw his already messed up blonde hair. The way his hair looked now told me that he had been running his hand through his hair a lot in the last few minutes. He sat down on the bed on the opposite side I was propped up on and he looked at me. “Ok.” He said situating himself so he was sitting sideways. “So they called me to remind me that we have the AMA’s in a week and they are making you tag along.” He said sucking in almost expecting me to blow or something. “Ok?” I said confused. “Was that all?” Niall bit his lip and nodded his head not breathing. “So what’s the big deal?” He let out the air he was holding in and looked at me with a look that was a mixture of confusion and being shocked. “You’re not mad?” “Why would I be mad?” I asked flinging my hand out. “Because they’re making you go somewhere with me.” “Niall, I have been doing this job for a few months now. I’m used to it and it’s not only you that I’m going with. The other boys will be there as well.” “Yeah, but still. We will be walking down the red carpet together, by the way.” “Oh, ok. Oo! What do you think about this dress?” I asked running and running back out with a silky black dress. It was floor length dress with a slit on the left side. It was also a lower cut dress that showed some, but was still modest. “That one will work.” Niall said barely looking at it. I rolled my eyes and put it in the box and continued packing clothes and photos. About 45 minutes later, I had everything packed that I would need while staying at Niall’s flat. “Ready?” Niall asked walking into my room eating a cereal bar. “Yeah.” I said picking up one of the boxes while Niall got the other. I took this moment as I followed him out of the room to really admire his biceps. I kept staring at his muscles as we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He set the box down on the counter and I quickly moved my gaze to his face- his smug, smiling face. “Like what you see?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the box of cereals bars I had. I took one of the packages out and Niall held his hand out. I rolled my eyes again and handed him one. “Can we just take the whole box?” Niall asked. “Sure, but your carrying them.” I said giving him the box. “I need my laptop.” I said eyeing it on the couch. I put it in its special bag along with its charger and walked back over to Niall. “Ok, got it.” “So is that everything you need for while you’re still with me?” He asked as he climbed into the driver’s seat. “I think so. I’m pretty sure everything in there can go into storage until I move back out.” “Good. Oo! Look! A new ice cream shop opened! Wanna try it out?” He asked acting like a little kid, I giggled. “Sure.” I said and the next thing I knew, he was switching lanes and driving into the parking lot twice as fast as he should have been. ~Niallers snowflake princess~
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 03:22:45 +0000

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