“Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis wins 7 percent of the vote - TopicsExpress


“Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis wins 7 percent of the vote in Virginia and delivers the state to Terry McAuliffe and the Barack Hussein Obama Communist Regime. The Tea Party candidate Cuccinelli only lost by 3 percentage points even though George Soros, the Obama REGIME, the DNC, and the Clintoooooooons poured millions of dollars into the race to buy the election. The Communists out spent Cuccinelli by nearly 20 million dollars. One more nail in our coffin as a nation of morons. President Hussein Obama was so excited that he went on television yesterday and with his usual smirk on his face to show his disgust for the American people he had the gall to tell another bald face lie. Hussein tried to change what he said about Obama Care. He now claims he said, you tax paying American morons can keep your insurance, for you nothing will change, provided the evil insurance companies dont change your terrible policy. Hussein never said that. He said 10,000 times before the election, you can keep it PERIOD. ALSO, the communist program known as the Unaffordable Health Care Act orders insurance companies to cancel all health care policies that do not meet the requirements dictated by Obama. Obamas speech was only shown on FOX News. The state run corrupt dishonest national media intentionally avoided reporting Obamas LIES. They didnt even report on the White House press briefing when their own reporters questioned Obamas mouth piece Jay Carney about the LIE. LIES, LIES, LIES. We are a nation of lies and it is no wonder that Japan just signed a North Pacific Security Agreement with Russia because they fully understand that the United States lead by Hussein would not hesitate to shove a knife in their back to appease communist China and North Korea. Welcome to Obama Land, a bankrupt decaying country of mentally ill morons who decided to commit national suicide when they reelected a Liar-In-Chief. AmySue”
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 17:40:04 +0000

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