Libertarians....lets talk about them. When you say the term, Ron - TopicsExpress


Libertarians....lets talk about them. When you say the term, Ron Paul or Rand Paul come to mind. Both are republicans though. So what makes them a libertarian? A libertarian is right of center, leaning more towards the republican side of things. But are they really just right of center? What about wanting to Reduce(or abolish) taxes, spending, and eliminate controls on trade or abolish all regulation of banks in favor of free market. Sounds good doesnt it? But isnt reducing taxes and deregulating banks what got us into the mess we are in now? They also want to do away with govt control of pricing and production of energy resources. I thought the govt had no control over that already, which is why we pay so much for gas. They also fully support free trade. Thats good, right? Wait, didnt nafta start getting us in the mess we are in now job wise? Where do they stand? They want to remove governmental impediments to free trade and believe prosperity will come from unrestricted free markets. But isnt that the same as Reagans trickle down economics? They also want to abolish all trade barriers and agreements. I could see the trade agreements, but not the barriers. We dont have enough barriers for trade now. Next, they want to repeal laws which restrict voluntary financing of campaigns. We already have that with the citizens united case and mcutcheon vs. FEC and those 2 cases are working out great for us arent they? All that will do is continue to give power to the rich in govt, not us, we the people. They also want the government to keep “hands off” the economy. Maybe we should just give total control of the economy to wall street? They will do great with it right? And they want to abolish the Department of Energy. Hmmm? They also want to restore and revive a free market health care system. That has been working great for us hasnt it? Record bankruptcys, MILLIONS of American citizens without healthcare, people dieing due to inability to have healthcare or even afford it. Sure, lets keep that program going. They also want to privatize social security. No taxation or regulation of private property. They want to repeal ALL taxes and abolish the IRS and they feel non-profits are more effective than government at a “safety net”. Does there party platform have things I would support? Yes, but I choose not to discuss them because I would never support or vote for a libertarian, ever. So what is the point I am trying to make here? It should be obvious, that libertarians are nothing but an extremist republican in sheeps clothing. They are not right of center, they are extreme right. It cant be laid out any other way. A libertarian is NOT what America needs.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:30:41 +0000

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