Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the - TopicsExpress


Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. --- Lord Acton The Houston Chronicle has called out the wrong conservative black Republican. If Southeast Texas is one of the poorest economic regions in the state, it is not because people want to exercise their constitutional rights. Instead, this poor economic performance of the past is due to the failed and repudiated liberal policies of high taxes, unchecked government spending, too much regulation, and the undermining of the civil justice system. My conservative approach involves unleashing the unlimited potential of the small business men and women: the real job creators and risk takers. This involves a simple moral approach: God has given every man and woman gifts in which to refine and then peaceably in an environment of Liberty these men and women exchange these gifts and thereby facilitate the prosperity of the entire society. These men and women create government to enhance this Liberty. In particular, my conservative approach, means keeping taxes low, while restraining government spending in order to keep as much of the States resources in the private sector economy so that each Texan can best decide how to employ those resources instead of bureaucrats and politicians in Austin. More needs to be done here in eliminating the gross margins tax which unfairly attacks small business and reining in the escalating increases in property taxes, if not ending this onerous tax altogether. Along with low taxes and controlling government spending, my conservative approach calls for a certain and less burdensome regulatory environment and a civil justice system that focuses on justice not jackpots for a few. We must allow small business people the freedom to focus on prosperity and job creation, not the anxiety of the next tax statement, knock on the door by the government regulator, or frivolous lawsuit. As a result, we see Southeast Texas job creators bringing in hundreds of million of dollars of private sector investment. If we unleash the potential of our job creators, we will have the resources for public education. Unfortunately, public education, that is K-12 and higher education, is hindered by liberal policies of too much regulation (Democratic and Republican induced) as well. Whether it is from Austin or D.C., regulation from standardized testing to school lunches is strangling public education. I am a strong proponent of HB 5, which has reduced the standardized testing burden for graduation and returned to our local school districts the discretion to develop graduation options consistent with the expectations of students and parents and the needs of local industry. Instead of making gratuitous assumptions, if the Houston Chronicle would have reviewed my legislative and voting records its editorial board would have found out that I have aggressively pursued pro-growth economic policies and measures to reduce the regulatory burden on local school boards and classroom teachers. But here is the point, this editorial, by highlighting the notion that I am one of three black Republicans in the Legislature is more about limousine liberals attempting to put a conservative black elected official in his place. Unfortunately, this is a form soft bigotry. This is a frequent tactic of the Left when their failed policies of the past, whether it is gun control, liberal economic policies, the undermining of our Judeo-Christain culture, or the ruination of public education, is highlighted, by none other than a black Republican. Terry Holcomb Sr. Chip Darby Jamie Mallette Chizer Jeff LeBlanc Michael Berry Michelle Byerly Michael Berry -KTRH 740 Houston Jordan Berry Lauren McGaughy Jim Hughes chron/opinion/editorials/article/The-wrong-sight-5986248.php
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:16:46 +0000

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