Libya - on what planet is our government living on?? Three - TopicsExpress


Libya - on what planet is our government living on?? Three years ago we all watched our TVs following what were surreal events developing 180 miles to the south of us. Apart from the geographic proximity there were hundreds of Maltese persons in Libya and persons with very strong commercial ties. As we watched, Maltas stature grew internationally and we all stood 10 feet tall at the manner in which our government then headed by Dr, Lawrence Gonzi dealt with the situation as a true leader of substance, as an international statesman. Our tiny country delivered beyond what was ever expected, performing a crucial and fundamental role in the mass evacuation of persons of all nationalities in a meticulously planned and organized operation between the various assets and aid providers. Three years later and whilst Tripoli airport is being shelled and bombed to smithereens, we are told by the government now, that there is really nothing to worry about because the situation is calm! Its so calm that the Maltese ambassador did a Scettino. I will not pass judgement on whether or not our ambassador in Libya did the right or wrong thing to evacuate himself from Libya but you cannot say that the situation is calm and at the same time have your ambassador get out of the country! Clearly the ambassador did not think it was safe for him to stay! So why was this not discussed by the government? Why were we told instead that the government had to be careful about raising alarm because it might have a negative effect on Libya! Are they serious? Why do they take the Maltese population to be so ignorant. And in the meantime whilst our government is playing running the country Mr. Martin Galea is abducted. I do not think any of us can even imagine what this man must be going through and the extent of the pain and heartache which his family must be experiencing. What is the government doing about this? What are the efforts being made? What are the plans for evacuation? How is the government going to deal with this situation? Mr. Prime Minister, stop playing and take command of the situation. That should include discussing this and consulting with persons who have the experience in precisely this type of situation. This is not the time to allow pride to get the better of you.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 08:55:04 +0000

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