Life seems to be moving in a great progression now in someways, - TopicsExpress


Life seems to be moving in a great progression now in someways, but in other ways, I wonder where that progression will lead me. In one aspect, my life is starting to pick up steam, but still, I am still confused about how to feel in the meantime. It seems life bombards us with things that are good and bad. When the bad seems to be all you know, you tend to expect it all the more. The good becomes the bad. Wrong seems right everywhere we go. But yet, Ecclesiastes 12:1 states to “remember” the creator of my youth. What does that mean? Well, God is omnipotent and omnipresent. He is known as one God in 3 persons-Father (God), Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit. God is our creator and design what is truly good. Humanity, by Satan’s tempting schemes and whims, taints and corrupts things, but God is still in the business of making life truly good by establishing and showing us what is holy, pleasing, and admirable, love by self-sacrifice. Seeing that humanity could never reach the measure of perfection that goodness required, God sent His Son, Jesus, to fulfill God’s righteous sacrifice to cleanse, purify, and save the world. And with Jesus’ atoning sacrifice paid for, God, the Father calls people to Him by the measure of His Son and all life is found in Christ Jesus and by coming to Him we are forgiven. And when you truly see that and even hear from the songs at church that feels very sweet. But then, life starts to happen and it becomes really hard to see yourself as God sees you. By Jesus’ atoning sacrifice, we are completely forgiven and free from our sins. Romans 8:1 states, “There is no longer any condemnation in Jesus Christ.” In Colossians 3:2, we are seen as holy and blameless. So basically, when we are drawn to God, we are forgiven and He does His work within us to understand that. (Philippians 1:6) But still, it seems like the disappointments of life harden our hearts and we have to “remember” our creator and the hope He has for us especially before, during, and after the days of adversity in our life comes. It seems during the time of the struggles of our lives, 2 forces are enticing us to go a certain way. God is the ultimate sense of sweetness. His love gives us life, light and illumination for our day, and a sense of peace, but still because our hearts start to become harden by things, sin seems just as sweet. It comes in with its sweet assurances and empty promises trying to smooth over the wound that has been felt in this time of struggle. But I am starting to realize, sin is good for the moment, but empty in the long run. Since everything that is unholy is going to be one day cast into the pits of hell, why do I bother to get involved with it? But still, its power of persuasion is quite enticing and the only way to break its power is to draw closer to God. By drawing closer to God and remember who He is, we realize we do have hope. God assures us hope in the midst struggles and always shines a light and magnifies things right under our noses. I think that is why Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 11:7, “Light is sweet.” It is sweet to see the light of the sun or creation itself. It is good to be around someone whose presence is chipper and full of light, hope, inspiration and in sense, God’s light should inspire us to hope again. There so many negative things in the world, but I must choose to remember who God is in these times of my life and try to understand that He loves me despite what He allows me to grow through and if I see that I will realize that everything truly is okay. There is a song that resembles this truth from Paper Tongues called “Trinity.” Enjoy!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 20:10:22 +0000

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