Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? Our earth - TopicsExpress


Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? Our earth is packed with so many amazing and different types of living things. Where did they all come from? Where did we humans come from? Did we evolve from apelike animals, or were we created? And does it really matter? Why It Matters What We Believe Today, millions of people believe in evolution. Other millions believe in creation. Still others are uncertain about what to believe. Then, too, some feel that it does not make any difference whether we evolved or were created. However, it can make a big difference. Why? Because if life just evolved by itself, then we can expect only more of the same struggle with war, suffering, sickness, and death, which have filled human history. On the other hand, if there really is a Creator who made separate and distinct kinds of living things, there must be a purpose in his putting them on earth. And certainly, then, there is a purpose in putting humans here. If this is so, our future will be determined, not by evolution, but by the Creator’s purpose in making us. Therefore, it is only reasonable that we should want to know more about this vital subject. And do not think that science has settled the matter. As evolutionary scientist W. R. Thompson said in his introduction to a special edition of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species: “There is a great divergence of opinion among biologists, not only about the causes of evolution but even about the actual process. This divergence exists because the evidence is unsatisfactory . . . It is therefore right and proper to draw the attention of the non-scientific public to the disagreements about evolution.” To help you determine for yourself what the facts are, and just what it means to your future, the book Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 05:03:01 +0000

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