Like To Embrace Manifest INFINITE COMPASSION MADE EASY More - TopicsExpress


Like To Embrace Manifest INFINITE COMPASSION MADE EASY More than 600 million people worldwide access Facebook on a daily basis. Each and every one of these individuals is compassionate to some degree or other. Now when these people virtually come together and consciously hit the like button, their compassionate potential adds up and multiplies. It translates into a massive compassionate energy field that is instantly available to naturally resolve literally any issue on personal, local or global level. Simply by pushing the like button on Like To Embrace! On the Like To Embrace Facebook page every world citizen can post topics that could use compassionate embracing. This can be a very personal or local situation like a dis-ease or conflict but also global issues like poverty, abuse or inequality. Now imagine one million people hit the like button for one of these topics. And thereby consciously embrace that particular issue and all people involved with their compassionate hearts. Can you see the potential effect? It will be like a huge stadium filled with people opening and connecting their hearts for natural and sustainable change! Like to Embrace is a global gathering where two mythical powers that we all share come together: our heart and compassion. The gentle, non violent force of compassion has long been shown throughout history in many cultural traditions. The stunning intelligence of the heart as a transformational source of energy and awareness becomes more and more exposed in groundbreaking research done by scientific institutes such as the Heartmath Institute, Like To Embrace is autonomous, impersonal and does not judge, fear or ignore anything. It does not involve money, acknowledges boundaries or endorse politics, religion or dogma. The issues posted will no longer be polarised or separated but integrated through collective compassionate embracing. It offers a meeting place for individuals to come together and with a conscious mouse click have a major impact on themselves and thereby their environments. Compassion empowers those issues that bring about harmony and balance and at the same time it disempowers that which fuels greed, fear and ignorance. Compassion is the double edged sword capable of doing that. HOW LIKE TO EMBRACE WORKS: Post or read a topic on Like to Embrace Notice what feelings, thoughts, emotions and/or physical sensations arise Let It Be click like to embrace WHY DOES LIKE TO EMBRACE WORK? The power of Like to Embrace lies in the fact that we consciously post those topics that are in the shadow, the things we judge, fear and deny. For example, we all like to give our voice to world peace but we rarely come to the point that we embrace that which causes war. By embracing war we discharge the mechanisms that perpetuate it and allow life to run its course according to natures harmonic principles. This seems a very unlogical and paradoxical approach to the thinking mind about how to resolve an issue. Embrace war, what?! Which brings us to the most crucial issue in understanding Like to Embrace: liking does not mean approving or endorsing. So if you Like for example the civil war in Syria and all people involved it does explicitly not mean that you approve the violence, endorse president Assad or choose sides amongst the rivalling parties. It means that you are consciously using your compassionate heart to embrace the entire situation and all of the people involved. Without judgement, fear, denial and personalisation of any feelings, thoughts, emotions or physical sensations that come up in the process of connecting to the subject described in the post. We simply Let It Be. And that means we see it as it is in that very moment. Without the drama that usually surrounds those sensations in our awareness. And there is yet another challenge for the thinking mind: Let it Be?! But we have to come in action, do something about it, fix it. It is unfortunate that exactly this mechanism, no matter how sincere, creates polarisation and thereby charge which infinitely perpetuates the conflict we would like to see resolved. Looking at history we have all seen where that leads too. With Like to Embrace we no longer empower the mind in its linear thinking but we will use the compassionate heart as a far more effective tool to achieve change. A change that is much more natural and aligns us not only with ourselves and fellow man but to all of nature in and around us. This is what the heart is capable of! Now that does not mean we will be fighting the mind or ego, trying to kill it. That would be really missing the point. Rather, by embracing the mind or the ego, we discharge it and naturally bring it back to a peaceful state where it can exercise its great qualities but will no longer by giving so much power that it thinks it is running the show! For sure the mind will tell you that Letting Be leads to indifference, that we dont care and are not doing anything to fix the issue. It is crucial to understand that the mind exists by the grace of the ongoing story of why, how, when and where and will go long ways to keep the story alive. In fact what the mind fears most is its own absence and it will do anything to convince you that this is not it. It is always somewhere else, either in the past or in the future. Not a problem of course, simply something to recognise and when it occurs, Let it Be! Compassion is not something you can do, you cant pretend to be it or fake it. Compassionate is something you are. It demonstrates your innate ability to on one hand, fully experience feelings, emotions and physical sensations and, on the other hand let them be completely. That is what your heart is capable of. Now this may seem very paradoxical and it is! Our first response to things we experience, especially the ones that we have categorised as negative, unpleasant or to be avoided is to resist them. That could be fear, denial, judgement or completely personalising with what you perceive. Two mechanisms kick in. Firstly, there is an embodied sense of individuality: we have become completely intoxicated with the illusion that what we perceive is what we are or what we have. So when you feel anger, you are sure you are angry. But these are two very different things! The other thing is that immediately we notice something the mind comes along and will turn the feeling, thought or emotion into a story that needs fixing. Now the irony is that these two mechanisms create energetic charge that is toxic information to you and those around you. Not only do we contract this energetic stress into our personal energy system but we do transmit it all around us and with it directly influence people and spaces around us with that same charge. This charge builds up over years and does not dissolve by itself. It needs to be expressed or discharged, just like any other charge in nature. By continually reacting from the same perspective we keep ourselves and the people and spaces around us locked in the old paradigm of ongoing conflict. This shows in individuals and the way we deal with people around us, as well as the earth. So what bothers us is not that what we experience but our actual resistance to it. By consciously embracing whatever arises three profound energetic effects come to life:• To the degree you can embrace you will let go of toxic charge you took on board during your life• You end the dangerous intake of stress into your energy system• When you let go of charge you become less cramped and more spacious. That space in you is immediately available to people en spaces around you to let go of charge in. Where awareness and compassion meet we give way to a gentle yet very powerful energetic shift that disempowers what is charged by polarisation and empowers that which will lead to harmony, balance and unification of all life forms. Compassion is like a little room in your heart where life can just be as it is. Without the need for a story how it came about or where it leads to. Without understanding or knowing how to fix it. It is simply how Life appears at that very moment, unavoidable and all inclusive. And there is nothing you can do or could have done about it to make it different, despite widespread and popular believe that we do or did! Compassion is interchangeable. It does not matter who embraces, the key is availability. By bringing all the little compassionate rooms in our hearts together we facilitate a massive space where Life can literally fit in without any individual resistance to it. And that is where the magic happens! Because there is no longer anyone who tries to change it coming from a personal agenda, Life will change! Contact Like to Embrace is initiative of Juno Burger (junoburger)
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:38:30 +0000

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