Like if you worked your core today. What was your chosen method - TopicsExpress


Like if you worked your core today. What was your chosen method of a core workout? Comment below. My philosophy – If youre not sore, work your core! Please remember, if you like these videos do a sister a favor, and share them with your friends. Pilates is an amazing way to work the core. To find your Pilates C- curve, lay on your back and make sure your Low back is pressed down to the floor pulling your bellybutton into your spine. Keeping the tailbone down, curve your upper spine into a crunch position. For the hundred, you have several different leg choice positions. You can either have your feet grounded to your mat with your knees bent; have your legs in table top position with your knees directly over your hips; squeeze your inner thighs together and press your heels to the sky with your feet directly above your hips; or extend your legs out into Pilates V. Find your neutral pelvis with your low back pressed down, then lift up into your Pilates C- curve. Pick your leg position. Begin to pump your arms as you inhale for five and exhale for five until you get to 100. Please note: this video is in super speed. Your arms shouldnt be moving hug this fast!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 00:24:15 +0000

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