Like most people who are upset over this election I really needed - TopicsExpress


Like most people who are upset over this election I really needed some time to come to grips with what has just happened. Albeit, Foley wasnt a superstar, I kind of considered him the best of two shit heads. Forget my pro 2a stance and utter disgust with the unconstitutional gun laws passed, Im just talking about what a horrible state of affairs CT is in. How the sheep of this state can not rally for change is beyond me. We have already seen what dipshit Danny Boy has done. How can the population of this state say lets do this for another 4 years? I would have voted for anyone other than him. This state needs change. One of the richest states in the US, with power and wealth, and we are so far to the left. Its beyond comprehension to me how that is. Power and wealth are the meat and potatoes of Republicans. How are we not a red state? Heck....Malloy lost in Newtown and God knows how much he beat that horse. I think Obamas lap dog Dannel will get a call to run to Washington. Now that CT is locked up for another 4 years on the left, he will get the call.....maybe labor secretary or AG?? It would have to be pretty quick, after January I cant see anyone Obama picks getting cleared. Who knows, but this saga is far from complete. Thats why Obama was here.... Hopefully we can get a better candidate for next time around. Lets face it, Foley couldnt do it 4 years ago and he couldnt do it this time. Dont blame Visconti. Blame the people of CT who were so fed up and who disliked both of these two so much they stayed home and figured why vote, they both suck. Every vote counts. And why not vote for change. Foley may not have been the best alternate choice, but its what we had and it would have been change. Now we are stuck with that stuttering idiot and his failed leadership. Way to go CT!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:45:57 +0000

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