Like the song says, I saved the best for last... Day 7 - TopicsExpress


Like the song says, I saved the best for last... Day 7 Gratefulness list. 1. My husband. He is one of the hardest working men I know. He busts his butt to make sure we have what we need. Almost 22 years hes put up with me now, poor thing!! Lol!! 2. Timothy Beaucage, Shiloh Huff, Shane Bock, Devon Bock and Patrick Bock. Our fabulous 5! 3. Erin Marie, Lily Elizabeth, Wayne Angelo, Jonathan Patrick and Kaylynn Rene. Our grands! I dont even know where to begin to express my gratefulness for my family. Our life together may not have always been easy, but we made it!! You all have been my reason for living. The joy in my life. The loves of my life. My heart. Not all 5 of you may have come forth from this old body but ALL of you are loved from my heart as though you did. And our grands. Good God, whod have thought you could love someone as much, or more!, than your own children?!! And they, too, are all gorgeous and smart and talented!! I cannot wait to see what they do with their lives! They are going to set the world on fire!! There is so much I could say. But none of it seems sufficient compared to the love and joy you have all given me. I once heard it said that having a step child is like owning a mutt compared to a pure bred! Well let me tell you how wrong that is. A dog is a dog. They all love unconditionally, are loyal, protective, beautiful beings. It doesnt matter what the outward makeup of a dog is. A heart is a heart, no matter which chest it beats & resides in. It just wants to love and be loved. Pure bred or mutt, it truly does not matter when there is love. And there is SO, SO MUCH love in this heart for you all. I have seen you all grow from infant and wee, small little ones into an amazing woman and 4 incredible men. I have seen your joys, your sorrows. I have heard the unmistakable joy in all of your laughter and my heart has broken with the sight and sound of your tears. I have witnessed awkward teenage years, first love, first heartache, Ive seen your successes with a heart overjoyed with pride. Ive seen graduations: high school, college and the United States Marine Corps. And weve seen tragedy that could have been the worst ever, turn into a miracle: Shane, still with us. Unbelievable terror at news like that turned into overwhelming joy. There are not enough words for how grateful for that I am. Ive seen three of your children, our grandchildren, come into this world. That gift I will NEVER be able to thank you for enough. My darlings, the list is endless with how very grateful I am for all of you. Not enough words to tell you all just how very much I love you... The 3 people I choose today are: Carrie Sabat, Shane Bock and Matt Stonebraker!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:16:55 +0000

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