Lisa Peterson Tesch His COMING is Soon. Years ago I was given a - TopicsExpress


Lisa Peterson Tesch His COMING is Soon. Years ago I was given a very Alarming Dream, Vivid in many details and one I have NOT shared with most of you. However as I was watching the video I will attach at the end of this message, It came to me again, and there fore I will share the DREAM I had. We were in the home when I heard a Great Noise, that Grew, as I looked out the window I could see, MANY Helicopters, fully armed and was in full battle. Everything seemed to be getting hit by the missals that came from these foreboding helicopters, as the Intensity Grew I heard loud PEALS of Thunder and I looked UP in the Sky, I saw with GREAT GLORY AND POWER A Man, with Snow White Hair, Eyes as though they were a flame of fire and Great FEAR Came Upon me as I FELL to the GROUND, Unable to stand in my own strength and complete FEAR of the One I knew had ALL POWER!!! I prayed, LORD PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I felt what felt like a feather that had landed on my head and instantly I was Given the POWER to Stand and AS I STOOD, I saw the Most BEAUTIFUL and GLORIOUS God, HE said, "Yes My Little One" and I must confess there are NO WORDS to describe His Great Beauty or Love. With that said, HE WILL ALSO COME TO Judge those who will NOT REPENT AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS. THE Church is HIS Bride, we MUST be without BLEMISH or SPOT. We have to BE HOLY for HE IS HOLY. The things of this world will NOT MATTER, But who we are INSIDE ( Our Souls ) WILL Matter, Jesus said to REPENT and so over 2000 years later, I REPEAT those words REPENT, For His COMING is very Near. Dreams DO MATTER, Read the Book of Daniel as well as the rest of the Bible, you will see just how important our DREAMS can be, GOD uses Dreams to also WARN us. The time to REPENT is BEFORE HIS COMING, We must have the OIL IN OUR LAMPS. AMEN youtube/watch?v=CJX43l9-Qx0
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 03:54:08 +0000

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