Little Drops of Rain Will Always Make an Ocean. See it as a drop - TopicsExpress


Little Drops of Rain Will Always Make an Ocean. See it as a drop of rain, you lose. See it as an ocean inform of a rain drop, you win – Simple! We were playing in front of the building when Albert came. He met with Nnamdi’s grand dad, begged him to allow Nnamdi and I to come and start after-class lessons in his newly-created Extra-mural Class for free. We refused initially, but after some persuasions from Nnamdi’s grand dad, we decided to follow the young man. So, we become the first set of students, together with his younger sister, to attend his Extra-Mural Classes. I was in primary 4 and that was 15+ years ago. Albert, after graduation, couldn’t get a job – not even as a primary school teacher. He decided to start an Extra-Mural class just to keep himself busy pending when a job would show up. Then, we would always hear him tell some of his friends how a course-mate of his already had N3m in the bank acc before graduation. He felt empty doing the job he created –not because he hated it but he felt far behind others –nonetheless, he continued anyway. He began the classes in an uncompleted building that had primary 4 and 5 pupils. With time, he expanded to primary 1, 2 and 3. He started increasing gradually and in yr 2000, added secondary school section and employed his siblings as teachers. In 2004, Albert opened a full-fledged secondary school, duly registered in Enugu. He moved to a bigger building. He subsequently stopped the Extra-Mural classes. In 2012, Cocci International Sec., School had moved to its permanent site, on a four-storey building with more than 6 thousand students from SS1-SS3. The school has more than 20 teachers and at least 10 non-academic staff (including his 3 siblings). Currently, the school is worth N43million and growing – expansion on the way! He didn’t wait for the government’s intervention. He didn’t shoot for Talent Hunt TV series. It was just sheer Will-power and the power of God in action. Yeah, it may seem worthless now. It may even look stupid but surely, nature doesn’t understand the word “exceptions.” She will always keep her own side of the bargain by way of recognising and rewarding hard work. It is a LAW. You must have a mission statement in life. This is simply a set of guiding principles which clearly state where you are going and where you want to be at the end of your life. A mission statement embodies your values. It is your personal lighthouse keeping you steadily on the course of your dreams. Over a period of one month, set a few hours aside to write down five or ten principles which will govern your life and which will keep you focused at all times. Examples might be to consistently serve others, to be a considerate citizen, to become highly wealthy or to serve as a powerful leader. Whatever the mission statement of your life, refine it and review it regularly. Then when something adverse happens or someone tries to pull you off course, you quickly and precisely return to your chosen path with the full knowledge that you are moving in the direction that you have selected. The truth is: you won’t have the second opportunity of coming back to this world again. If you don’t go after your life dream, you will end up asking yourself “Why?” So, keep moving – you are almost there! "Despise not the days of little beginning..." That is a command!
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 19:43:54 +0000

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