Little snippet from Book #2 in my forthcoming series. A wood - TopicsExpress


Little snippet from Book #2 in my forthcoming series. A wood fence beside us exploded as something burst through it, leaping over our heads and landing in the shadows cast by a nearby dumpster. Mousy whipped around, a long sword of light appearing as if from thin air in his hands. “Run, Neel!” He shouted over his shoulder, spreading his feet in a fighter’s stance. Well I wasn’t going to just abandon my friend. I’d done that once before, all those years ago, and he’d died. I had no intention of doing it again. However, I also didn’t have any intention of getting pointlessly killed, so without another thought I shot through the hole this monster had created in the wooden fence, figuring there would be a house on the other side where I could find a weapon. I found myself facing the back end of a dilapidated apartment complex, and made my way to the nearest series of doors, checking each one and hoping it was open. The second one proved unlocked and I slammed it open, finding myself faced by a mom and her little girl seated on a couch watching a Disney film. Muttering a quick apology, I ran to their kitchen, nearly colliding with the dad who was walking out carrying a large bowl of popcorn, ducked around him and headed for the knives. He shouted behind me, and I think I heard the little girl crying, but I was too busy riffling through their drawers to take much notice. Drawer number three offered the steak knives I needed, but the drawer after that was the real winner. Contained within was a very sharp, brand new, cleaver. I smiled as I pulled it out and tested its wait. I wasn’t that familiar with knives, back in Atrium I’d only ever used a scalpel, but I wasn’t afraid of them either. And it only took so much skill to use a cleaver with deadly effect. “What the hell are you doing!?” shouted the dad behind me. I turned to see the whole family crowded in the doorway watching, the dad standing in front, fists clenched. There was no back door, so if I wanted out I’d have to go straight through them. I waved the cleaver around and tried to look scary. I can’t say I pulled it off very well, just being this small little girl, but hey, when you have a cleaver you automatically look a billion times scarier than you are. The mom and daughter screamed and fled back into the living room. The dad, to his credit, stood his ground. “Drop it now or I’ll call the police!” I noticed he was holding a cellphone in one hand. Well, I’d kind of already gone too far, and for all I knew Mousy was dead already, so I didn’t have any time to spare trying to talk some sense into him. So I charged at him, aiming at his knees so that I could at least knock him to the ground and disable him. It caught him a bit off-guard, and innocent little me proved an effective enough missile. My only snag was that when I hit him with my shoulder he fell forwards instead of back like I’d wanted him to, right onto yours truly. Well he wasn’t exactly fat, but I’m not exactly the most durable. His weight was crushing and it knocked the breath right out of me. I groaned and tried to push him off, but he was a more adept foe than I had imagined and just lashed out at me with a fist. I felt the brain inside my skull jarred as his punch hit and I saw stars. He then wrapped his other arm around my neck, trying either to choke me or incapacitate me. “Honey, call 911!” he shouted to his wife. Well this was rather decidedly not going as planned. Sigh. I still held the cleaver though, so I bashed it downwards, handle first, right into his crotch. I felt sorry for the man for sure, but desperate times call for desperate measures after all. He squealed and let go of me. I leapt to my feet and stumbled over his crippled form, nearly tripping, and made my way back into the living room. His wife and daughter were nowhere to be found, probably having fled to get help. I stumbled out of the front door and ran like a madwoman back the way I had come.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:22:30 +0000

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