Live This Life! Some ministers love to ratchet up the emotional - TopicsExpress


Live This Life! Some ministers love to ratchet up the emotional temperature of believers by speaking in all kinds of “spiritual” ways, with clever sound bytes and cute cliches, drawing attention to their oratory and gaining a reputation for themselves. In the meantime, the body of Christ suffers from a Deficiency of the Solid Truths that would Edify them and Guide them in the will of God. Believers should not let fancy phrases jazz their emotions and pull them like a magnet to men who offer soul stirring rhetoric and a show of spirituality, but serve little true spiritual content! The most important things of the Spiritual Life can be said with very little fanfare......and be left with believers to choose to embrace and to incorporate into their own personal lives. The Greatest Truths of Christianity are very simple. For example: Redemption Realities — God loves you and has forgiven all your sins. God is your heavenly Father. Jesus is your Savior, Healer, King, and High Priest. The Holy Spirit is your Indwelling Helper. You are justified, redeemed, reconciled, and forgiven. You are born of God and adopted into His family. You are delivered from sin, from Satan, from death, and from fear. You are translated from darkness into His marvelous light. You are an heir of God and joint heir with Jesus Christ. You are Abraham’s seed and blessed. Instructions for Living this Life — Love God with all your Heart and worship Him. Love one another and serve one another in love. Pray always; pray for others. Ask your Father for wisdom. Spend time reading the Scriptures. Let the Holy Spirit help and guide you. Be a Light to the lost. Keep your word. Be kind to others. Lay hands on the sick. Although it is true that the truths of God are so deep that we can never fully search them out in this life, it is also true that the basic realities of this New Life in Christ are not complicated and can be understood and lived our by All!! So......Don’t allow yourself to get swept away by the soaring rhetoric of silver tongued orators and miss the simplicity of Truth. Don’t be so dazzled by those who make claims of visions and dreams and trips to heaven and profound spirituality that you fail to learn and to incorporate the basic Truths of this Marvelous Life in Christ into your own lives and Live This Life Yourself!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 16:04:42 +0000

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