Living a dead life is just as much as being dead, so which are - TopicsExpress


Living a dead life is just as much as being dead, so which are you? Do you knw your purpose? Pursuing something in vanity is no use if all you do,is not all of you. You were made for a purpose Jeremiah29:11 ,so anything besides it is unforfilling ,thats why u feel purposeless & empty. So seek God first,hear from him and he will direct your path. Life is not a rule book, but filled with guidelines to help you ,so keep to it. As itll help u stay on the narrow . Seek yea first the kingdom of God means seek God,lay your plans before him and wait to hear what he says. If he says no,then its no..if yes then pursue,no matter how bleek the possibility may be .As the outcome will be great,because of the fact that youve got Gods voice backing you up,so who is everybody else,and why are you listening to them? “And everything else will be added unto you”, is the second part ,a promise of which is to come ,once youve followed the command. So its automatic,the moment you choose to be obedient in taking time to seek God,his blessings will then pour down,because Gods presence is in it(ark of God). SO WHY the DouBT ? Has he not said it,that he would achieve it. So who are you to not believe it? Are you calling God a liar, as his word proclaims his truth,it produces he is true,to his word,for not a man that he should lie. Yet you choose not believe,put a smile on your face like everythings okay but you know the truth. As of a hipocrite living a righteous life,but denying Christs power to save.Yet you were called for this,as salt of the earth. The harvest is plenty,but laborers are few..Where ARE the Laborers! Gods people ,a Holy Nation,chosen generation,set apart for such a time as this? We are the remnant yet we flag at each others heads of state,where is the unity? Where were suppose to be a community, Arised,Arosed and Arisen to be Alive as the bride of Christ. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand, for without repentance there is no salvation,without salvation we are doomed to thee abyss of death itself. A deep dark place,where there will be weeping & wailing and gnashing of teeth. So Arise,for the light has come and the glory of God now shines upon you. So choose yea this day who you shall serve,either God or the god of your ancestors(mammon) ,which is satan. Hot or cold,for its not too sides of a coin,you cannot have both. But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:21:12 +0000

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