Living in the Questions: Fathers & Daughters To Meridel LeSeuer, - TopicsExpress


Living in the Questions: Fathers & Daughters To Meridel LeSeuer, Rebecca Rice & Bernice Reagon What does it mean to be a father of a daughter in a world that has forgotten beauty and hungers for violence? What does it mean to be the father of a daughter in the last bloody days of patriarchal industrial war madness? Where is the moral compass on stolen land? Hey! What have they done to the dawn? What have they done to our fair sister? In the course of consistently degenerating human events Man must change his ways ,migrate or die. How do we achieve and maintain emotional health in a colonial military industrial complex environment? Art has been our both our balm comforting fire. Art has been our means of survival, not a frill, not a fad, Art is a channel of love. For most of us not a means to make a quick buck in the alley Art our water in this desert land Music protective sole on the blistering sand Holy Mother of God Your full heavy breast suckled and sustained us Your loins give us life and our fathers ecstasy How did pussy become a put-down? How many kinds of stupidity can we invent now? Do we fear other men because of how we know ourselves? Can we trust men like ourselves to not harm our daughters, our mothers, our sisters? Can we pull up the courage to be what we want to see in the world? As males and females we have all been victimized by a fabricated male mentality, My chest expands and my heart pounds when my daughters tell me In a dozen different ways that they may have at times been victimized But their name is NOT victim! Baby girl I remember the first time I looked into your eyes You were slippery wet and bloodied with birth’s agony and joy I could see you were an old soul with new eyes And I knew you, I knew you Reunion was the song of our first greeting Our present time in the eternal return Forgive me for the days When I was wounded, numb and limping And your unconditional love Was the only thing that kept me breathing Kept me giving Kept me with a vision of living Standing strong and vulnerable In this Age of Brutality, a new man, a new kind of man loving women, loving men. Time to re-imagine ourselves as men. Male privilege, a program of false consciousness that Too often means early death Too often only the power to destroy Too often denying ourselves the joy of life And the innocent uncomplicated, unconditional, respectful love of other men. We can be more! More than the dispersers of genetic material More than the dysfunctional definitions handed to us But rather living examples of something Sacred & Masculine Giving and sustaining Life Standing by our Sisters, Standing by our Brothers Intimate, Sacred, Vibrant, Breathing, Embracing All the Laws of Attraction in operation! Oh Mama Oshun your sweet sweetness! Healing that which has been broken Sweet Rain on the desert land, our wet feet dancing in the soggy sand! Oh please, let’s start this Century again, no false starts this time Manhood, the way it was given to us will not survive this 21st Aint no way. Daughters take the swords of your father’s songs And beat them into plow shears Prepare the New Ground Be free from the known wisdom Courage gives birth to Discovery Daughters you will wash in your father’s tears And know that he was healed and glad for your being Womanly, Powerful, Transforming all things made new What does a woman’s leadership look like When she does NOT believe she has to imitate a man to be truly powerful? When the Sacred-Feminine embraces the Sacred-Masculine Within a woman Within a man Or between a man and a woman Maya Maisah Aiyanna Eden Joi Hanika Hold your brothers hands Walk into the new day We walk the way of a new world How did we lose our way? I woke up when I could feel the pulse of my Ancestor Mothers singing in my veins too! Luisa, Flora, Cecelia, Cora, Anna, Lucinda, Malinda, Ibby, Mary, Helen, Eleanor and Unknown Mothers all the way back to Mama Lucy Deep in some wind blown Ethiopian gorge Today I stumble still How do we love one another as wounded people? We take responsibility for our healing and share the love. Let your light shine, shine, shine Let you’re your light shine! Let your light shine, shine, shine Let you’re your light shine! Could be Somebody Down in the valley Trying to get home.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:07:00 +0000

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