Local smoke advisory: Fine particles in smoke can cause health - TopicsExpress


Local smoke advisory: Fine particles in smoke can cause health issues, especially for children, older people or those with respiratory problems. “If you see or smell smoke, you should limit outdoor activity,” said Dave Johnston, El Dorado County Air Pollution Control Officer. Residents who see or smell smoke should consider taking the following precautions: Healthy people should delay strenuous outdoor exercise until the smoke has cleared. Children and older people should consider avoiding outdoor activity, especially prolonged outdoor exercise. People with health-related illnesses, particularly those with respiratory problems, should stay indoors. Windows and doors should stay closed as much as possible. Use the recycle or re-circulate mode on the air conditioner in your home and car. Avoid using non-HEPA paper face mask filters that do not filter extra fine particles. Keep airways moist by drinking lots of water. Read more by clicking: edcgov.us/Government/PublicHealth/Press_Releases/2014/Wildfire_Smoke_Advisory.aspx
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 22:34:52 +0000

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