Look at the Arab world and you would find the reason why no - TopicsExpress


Look at the Arab world and you would find the reason why no science or social breakthroughs takeplace, Sudan the potential source of food is stuck with a president of a party that oppresses knowledge and development and although very rich of brilliant human resourced is still stuck with an undeveloped infrastructure . Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and Egypt are corrupt with parties willing to take over for their interest whether in the name of religion or opposing it, Saudi Arabia, jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and other gulf countries are only living of the petroleum left overs with oppression of opinion, exclusive governments to royal families, then remains Lebanon ,Iraq and Syria who are going to be in a constant state of war forever because of intolerant various groups turning those beauty and literature producing lands into poor, awaiting international assistance from silly organizations. Even Iran is lost between the religious oppression, the nuclear crap and the economic inflation. These nations are not nations of strength and pride, we fool ourselves that we can produce knowledge or development with all of this happening, the slution shall be peace, diapraxis and working together instead of trying to decipher the conspiracy of this group or that. I wish I can scream at the youth of the Arab world that we can make the change, we have the strength, not the fanatics, not the religiously-marketed empty symbols and not the imported-salvage. We are the solution.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:36:35 +0000

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