Look on the bright side! What struck me first as I ventured out - TopicsExpress


Look on the bright side! What struck me first as I ventured out to shovel and clear my neighbors car was that this is great packing snow. I instantly thought how cool it would be to have a snowball fight with Sumner or to make a snow man. Ralph Johnson taught me during my darkest days that one must choose (emphasis woulda been added if facebook allowed for italics) to be happy. Jay Roberts, who knows me better than anyone on the planet, gave me the same instruction at that time. Reflecting on that thought, it can be taken two ways. One is to take charge of ones situation and pursue that which one finds rewarding and, thus, makes one happy. Often times, that comes at the expense of others. Also, all too often it is a fools folly. The old the grass is always greener... expression comes immediately to mind. That is not to dismiss or even to discount the concept. It is just that this can be poisoned by Id be much happier if only.... The other way is expressed by the glass half empty/half full debate. One must consider ones circumstances and make a deliberate choice to be happy with what one does have situationally, materially, intellectually, or emotionally. That doesnt mean we must settle or be content and no longer strive or dream. It simply means, as a popular book puts it, dont sweat the small stuff and its ALL small stuff! Keep things in perspective. Appreciate the moment. See the beauty of a dandelion even though it is a nuisance weed. I try to look at the glass of Life as neither half empty nor half full. Instead it is filled; filled with the two most critical elements of survival -- oxygen to breathe and coffee to drink.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:32:43 +0000

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