Looking for some inspiration for New Years Resolutions youll - TopicsExpress


Looking for some inspiration for New Years Resolutions youll actually look forward to? Here are some holidays that allow you to dip your toe into a new skill or activity – which one is your favourite or tell us whats missing? Genghis Khan Warrior training Training to be a Mongol warrior is probably the oldest new thing you can learn in 2015 – picking up battle skills dating back over eight centuries. With old school battles back in fashion (see: Game of Thrones, the Hobbit), now’s the time to brush up on your own traditional warrior skills. And who better to base them on than the original conqueror: Genghis Khan. Our Genghis Khan Warrior Training holiday in Mongolia means doing something new actually involves doing something very, very old. Learn skills dating back 800 years, including learning to shoot a bow and arrow, lassoing horses out on the Steppe, and how to light fires to confuse your enemy. We give a big battle cry of approval to this trip. responsibletravel/holiday/3213/genghis-khan-warrior-training-in-mongolia Learn Spanish & walk the Camino de Santiago Learning a language on holiday is one way to ensure you won’t skive off your studies – morning classes are followed with real-life practise on the ancient route of the Camino. Every year you go to Europe and promise yourself you’ll spend more time studying Spanish/Italian/French before your next trip – but somehow indefinite articles and verb conjugations are less inspiring once you’re no longer sipping vino in a sunlit piazza. Learning a language on holiday is one way to ensure you won’t skive off your studies. Why not Learn Spanish while walking the Camino de Santiago? You can learn how to order food in the morning – then head out to practise in a restaurant at lunchtime. It’s a lot more fun than listening to podcasts on your commute – AND you’ll actually learn something. Buenisimo! responsibletravel/holiday/13132/learn-spanish-and-walk-the-camino-de-santiago-spain Walk in Finland Walking may not fit in with your idea of “something new” – but how about walking from hut to hut along the Finland-Russia border, a land filled with bears, wolverines – and plenty of saunas. Walking may not fit in with your idea of “something new” – but how about walking from hut to hut in Finland’s Wild Taiga region? There are bound to be new experiences as you trek the Russian border, whether that’s your first time out in the wilderness, your first ever lakeside sauna (beer in hand, Finnish-style) or your first time canoeing past reindeer. The long daylighthours mean you can take a post-dinner stroll through the forest – at 11pm! Though the level of adventure is high, the flat trails are a minimal challenge, so as long as you’re moderately fit you’ll be fine. Though it may have the added, welcome side effect of encouraging you to get in shape to ensure you make the most of your holiday! responsibletravel/holiday/3435/finland-hiking-holiday What else is new? Cycle around an ancient UNESCO city, kayak across a Croatian lake or learn to salsa on the streets of Havana – just how many resolutions are we allowed to make, we wonder?! Get inspired... See Jordan by bike If you’ve always wanted to take up cycling but are continually demotivated by the chill, drizzle, and short-tempered drivers, why not get on your bike in a destination that has none of these: Petra. Our Petra & Wadi Rum cycling holiday combines gentle cycling with hardcore history, as you cruise around the ancient UNESCO city. You’ll have chance to stretch your legs – and your bikers’ bum – with a float in the Dead Sea, a snorkel in the Red Sea, and a mooch around hilltop villages set against a backdrop of olive groves. You’ll have pumped up your leg muscles without even noticing! responsibletravel/holiday/4140/cycling-holiday-jordan Get active in Montenegro If you like the idea of a trying out a hiking, kayaking or cycling holiday, but are not confident enough to book a specialist tour, our Active holiday in Montenegro lets you try your hand at all of those – spending as much or as little time on each as you like. Throw in a spot of birdwatching, wild swimming and wine tasting – and you can tick a whole selection of new activities off your New Year’s Resolutions list. responsibletravel/holiday/3412/activity-holiday-in-montenegro Cruise around Scotland If you thought a cruise was a 5,000-strong floating city where the ship was the focus of the holiday... we’ve got some lovely surprises in store for you. Such as cruising around the Isle of Mull and the west coast of Scotland with just ten other shipmates. The giant white cruise liners are a dystopian nightmare compared to this quaint, wooden, floating home, which will take you up close to quirky rock formations, birdlife and local dolphins. Shore visits allow for strolls along deserted sands, browsing local seafood markets and the chance to visit places with storybook names – Iona, Tobermory and Calgary Bay. responsibletravel/holiday/10151/isle-of-mull-and-west-coast-of-scotland-cruise Learn to cook in Italy If the festive excess has left you wanting to dish up more homecooked food in 2015, an Umbrian cooking holiday will add a healthy kick to your list of resolutions... aperitifs, cheese tasting and pizza night notwithstanding. This gourmet tour is based on a farm and includes plenty of leisure time to visit the surrounding towns and historical sites, as well as the markets where you’ll be stocking up on produce. It can also be tailored to vegetarians and vegans – perfect if you’re planning a meat-free 2015. responsibletravel/holiday/13781/umbria-cooking-holiday-italy Salsa in Havana If Strictly has inspire you to shake your booty – and not just after a few too many glasses of mulled wine – how about heading to Cuba for a salsa dancing holiday? Havana moves seductively to its own Latino beat – even the most reluctant of dancers will find their feet tapping as they walk the music-filled streets. Afternoon classes in the privacy of your hotel leave you time to break out your moves in the local bars and nighclubs, meeting charismatic Cubanos as you go. What’s more – it’s an excellent way to keep fit, yet so much more appealing than wrapping up for a frosty January jog. responsibletravel/holiday/5895/salsa-holiday-in-havana-cuba Kayak around Croatia If you’re looking to try something in 2015 with your whole family in tow, we recommend a family sea kayaking holiday in Croatia. Kids as young as six can pick up paddle skills, as you potter from island to island in the safe hands of an experienced guide. Based on an island with no traffic, you can snorkel, visit ancient churches and lounge on the beach in between excursions – perhaps a bit of peaceful family time is also something that needs to be on your list of resolutions. responsibletravel/holiday/4042/family-sea-kayaking-holiday-in-croatia
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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