Looking upon the fields of ash that spread under my feet, I - TopicsExpress


Looking upon the fields of ash that spread under my feet, I remembered what it all used to be. Lush fields, with emerald green forests, rivers so clear that men fished by hand, horses, mighty horses running free across the lands of the nobles, children playing in the dirt, happy and careless, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, kings and queens, mightiest empires, trade and politics, all gone. All scorched to char and forgotten. It was all desolate now. The ruins of Dal Amoer, the First Fortress of Men, seemed blacker than ever before, as they were swept by the cold wind, broken through the mountain chain that once separated south from north. I had never thought I would care for land or people again. It seemed futile to me, in my immortality. Kingdoms rise and fall, people are born, live their lives as best they can, but they all eventually die. All but me. I have been dead, only I didn’t stay that way for long. It must’ve been millennia since that first happened. An arrow struck me straight into my heart and I felt the cold breath of the Reaper, freezing the back of my neck and the air in my lungs. Then I died. It was dark, a strange kind of dark. Not the absence of light, but darkness in its most basic form, the nothingness that we cannot perceive with our human eyes. It felt like an eternity of silence and darkness, only my thoughts vibrated through the cold that surrounded me. Then I saw. My eyes were open and from a sudden I saw IT. It was all that had been and all that could ever be, in a shape so deform and distorted, that it took me even longer to comprehend the knowledge I was being bombarded with. All of history, science, all the knowledge, ever collected and all that was unknown to mortals, it was at my fingertips. Only I knew not how to seize it. Not a shard of all the knowledge could I keep in my mind, for I had no brain to store the information. I was dead, a formless soul, drifting outside of time. With great pain, I threw myself out of that state of unbeing and in my thirst for the knowledge that was given to me like a river to one stranded in the desert, I fell. And the fall was great. Out of the Void and into the Plane of Existence once more, I’ve fallen. My body reforged, my mind rested and I felt young again. I awoke in a world long since forgotten and I discovered what true immortality meant. From that day forward, I no longer had fear. Disease could not touch me, time did not leave his mark on my flesh and now not even the blade was an end to me. I could die and be reborn a thousand times. And so I was. The count of my deaths could not have been held by any man in one lifetime. The Angel of Death became my closest friend and at most of the times, the only one I had, for time took all from my side. I could not settle anywhere, for even the elves in their illusory immortality, are still befallen by others and have an end to their lives. So I travelled.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 20:53:59 +0000

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