*Looks around on a screen* Im glad most of you can stay with - TopicsExpress


*Looks around on a screen* Im glad most of you can stay with me. Its been a rough road... *Looks down as images of my injuries, rehab, and me being booed out of an arena are photoshopped into the ground* The ones that have stuck around. I applaud you guys. Things for myself will be great this season. Which would mean you guys would benefit from it as well! You see. This place *points around* This place is where I walk, where I run, where I cry, where I BLEED. This, all of this, holds a special spot in my heart. People here have witnessed me grow up. I sometimes feel I owe my life to this. The passion is overwhelming. The passion drives me. I want to give you guys hope. I want to inspire you guys whenever I can! Remember last year when I died. I thought about it real hard. This was my opportunity to leave. Leave all of this. It was tough. I was leaving something that took me a long time creating. If I had the chance to do last season over. Id do it over. Id still leave the company. You see that leave taught me a lot of things. Made me more mature, made me not take such opportunities for granite. I became a better person. Without the experiences I had outside of the WWE, I wouldnt be here today. The hardest thing was what I built with you guys in III, all down the drain. Im cutting this promo because I want to explain myself UNINTERRUPTED. I dont want anyone to think that I left for greed, that I left because of selfishness, that I left because I deserved better. That isnt true. When I left I was on a mission to find myself. I was seeking self encouragment. I was seeking opportunities to make my relationship with others...and indeed myself more importantly greater. My goal is to be on top in the company, in more ways than one. I wanna main event wrestlemania, but at the same I want to earn your guys trust back [the fans]. I want to win world titles, but at the same time I want to earn back the respect of my fellow workers. After the season, many guys came up to me. Asking endlessly when am I coming home. I didnt know when, but I knew that I eventually would. The more time passed, the more I knew when the time was right. A new season to make mine. A fresh start. The booing, the hate letters, the burning of my gear, all has been tough on my mind. I couldve said Im done with this, I never want to be here again. But then I thought. Everyone makes mistakes, and although Ive made a lot of them, its what actions you take to fix them mistakes. Ive learned the hard way. Ive learned you cant just sit there and complain but turn words into actions. I know its a long way for Hayden Saxby to get back to the top. My patience will be tested. Im going into a situation with a tons of new additions, crazy amounts of talent. I get a thrill out of scratching and clawing my way to the top. Ive done it many times before, but this by far is going to be the hardest challenge I have faced in not only my career but my life. Now, I realize in WWE RP, nothing is handed to you. Everything is EARNED. You work for what you have. Im ready to accept the challenge. Im coming back! m.youtube/watch?v=vbrfG3LeMyk
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 06:44:14 +0000

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