Lord God you said in your word that you would never leave us nor - TopicsExpress


Lord God you said in your word that you would never leave us nor forsake us and we stand upon your promises and intercede on behalf of many of your children who have been laid-off . Lord God please open opportunities for men and women to continue to meet their needs so that none shall suffer lack. According to your will, please open the doors of heaven and pour out a financial blessing. Father let us not be consumed with the commercialism and materialism of the season but let us truly envelope the true meaning behind the season and find true joy in you. I pray for the children who may not quite understand why they don’t get a lot of gifts this year but allow the gift of your love to permeate through and through. I pray for the multitudes without meals, shelter and daily provisions and ask that you supply all needs according to your riches in glory, in Jesus name.Father in the name of Jesus please provide comfort to those who are tempted by feelings of loneliness during this time of year. The pressure may be great but your presence is that much greater. Let us not fall into sin and be tempted to go contrary to your will in exchange for a temporary fulfillment of the flesh. Let us seek your face daily that our joy might be filled and that our lives are filled with purpose and productivity with no room for ungodly distraction.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:57:43 +0000

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