Lord, I need this....... 1) the act of reforming or the state of - TopicsExpress


Lord, I need this....... 1) the act of reforming or the state of being reformed. 2) have scales fall from one’s eyes 3) turn over a new leaf To change one’s ways for the better, to become a new and better person; to start fresh, to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. Literally, this phrase means to turn to a clean, fresh page in a book. Since an open book is often figuratively used to represent a person’s life, turning to a blank page in this book of life symbolizes the start of a new and better chapter in one’s personal history. Use of this expression dates from the 16th century. 4) clean house To purge an organization of corruption and inefficiency; From the root word reform, 1) To form again. 2) To become formed again. 3) the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory 4) the amendment of conduct, belief, etc 5) to change to a better state, form, etc 6) to cause (a person) to abandon wrong or evil ways of life or conduct. 7) to put an end to (abuses, evils, etc.). 8) to subject (petroleum fractions) to a chemical process, as catalytic cracking, that increases the octane content. 9) to abandon evil conduct or error So today I thank and praise My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for REFORMING me in HIS image. I LOVE YOU JESUS!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 01:33:57 +0000

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