Lord, I need you to get me out of bed this morning –there is so - TopicsExpress


Lord, I need you to get me out of bed this morning –there is so much to do today. Please get me out of my shell. …Give me a word for today Lord, that I will constantly remember who You are, and that You will be with me throughout the day. Gently prod me to acknowledge Your Presence in every decision I make, that I will not wander from Your ways. .. Show me the way, that I may have good time management, and do the things I need to do, rather than the things I want to do. Keep me focused, so that I do not stress myself out by the things I want to do and crowd out the things I need to do. …Help me love in Your Name, .beyond myself, which is impatient, petty, negative, egoistic, self-serving, short-sighted and narrow in vision …Keep me true Lord Jesus, keep me true, there’s a race that I must run There are vict’ries to be won, Give me power, every hour to be true. …Keep me wary of the enemy’s ploys to trip me today.. let me not be fearful but brave and courageous to stand up to him with Your most effective weapon, Your Word. Please bring to my remembrance Your Word that is sharper than any two edged sword – that will keep me from falling and help me stand in the face of the adversary and his hoods. …Let me be sensitive to those who are in need. They may not tell me, but they may be struggling against a temptation sore. .Open my eyes that I may be sensitive and lend my hands to support hands that may be hanging down. Lord, speak to me if you want me to relieve someone of a financial need, who needs that which I would spend unthinkingly. Please keep me mindful that I am a steward of Your resources which have been placed in my hands and that I am accountable for their use to You. Help me just to pause to listen to someone who needs desperately for a listening ear or a sounding board. Please give me discernment not to take Your place as Counselor in their lives but to lead them to You who knows them from before their birth, their personal history, predicament and their future. ….Let me speak words that are true, faithful and consistent, words of gentleness, love and patience. Help me refrain from gossip, hurt, cursing and dissension. Please help me bring peace where there is hatred, separation and divisiveness especially against You, and bring reconciliation and healing to hearts that are frustrated, isolated, angry and unforgiving. Help me explain where there is misunderstanding of Your love and care, and questions on Your dealings with man, that I may bring someone to Your saving grace today. ….Teach me today, that giving is better than receiving, thinking good of others and that giving them the benefit of the doubt, can facilitate your peace and goodwill in a world that is torn by strife. Let me win the war rather than the battle. Teach me Lord Your perspectives. Help me forgive those who wrong me and not hold grudges but cast my cares on You. … Father, let me grow in Your love today, one step nearer to You in the upward spiral of my faith experience and development. Let me not wander away from You but hold me, keep me near the cross. Forgive me, when I overstep my boundaries, and please let me hear Your voice when this happens, that I may learn with Your help and strength, not to let them recur. Lord, Your Word says, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. I commit this day into Your hands. Please go before me, protect and guide me the rest of today. I accept your help and blessings now. Please make me a blessing to someone today. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Thank You for Your help today. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:57:45 +0000

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