Lord Maurice Saatchi has recently failed to get a bill through - TopicsExpress


Lord Maurice Saatchi has recently failed to get a bill through Parliament stating that doctors should not have to look over their shoulder if they try something against the usual cut, burn and poison approach that is used by mainstream medicine today. He said that hormonal cancers in particular have no success at all, and the situation had not changed for forty years. He maintained that it was the treatment that killed the patient, not the cancer. His wife had died tragically about two years earlier from ovarian cancer, and he felt there had to be a better way of dealing with cancer than was used at present. One official actually said to him that there was no need for anything new, as we already have the cure for cancer. What on earth was he talking about? He should stand up and say that publically and be pilloried for it. Unfortunately it is a fact that any doctor that has a different approach is taken to task by the General Medical Council, almost as though they are there to get rid of anyone who dares to have a different approach. It is a most unjust system at present and must be changed. The GMC is very adversarial and takes advice from anyone who will say anything against the doctor. In the not too distant past, doctors could be struck off for recommending a patient see an osteopath. It is rare that a patient has complained. It is usually doctors themselves who complain to the GMC about the doctor, simply because his approach is different. There’s no point in complaining about the complainant, as the GMC says he/she has done nothing wrong, without looking into his/her attitude. The trouble with mainstream medicine is that they say they must ‘treat the cancer’, without attempting to understand why it developed in the first place. I remember Penny Bron, the founder of the Bristol Cancer Self Help group telling me one day that she was surrounded by men, with only one female present apart from her, namely the ward sister. She was stripped bare-chested and lay there while the consultant talked about her cancerous breast. She asked ‘what about my other symptoms?’ ‘Don’t worry about those,’ he said. ‘We must concentrate on your breast.’ She said her other breast almost became jealous of all the attention the cancerous breast was receiving. That puts it into perspective, I think. At least more doctors are speaking out. The recent interview by Dr Mercola of Dr. Christine Horner is one such of significant importance. She was previously a plastic surgeon and spoke for the American Cancer Society, being the spokesperson on breast issues, when her mother developed breast cancer. So she gave up her practice of plastic surgery and started researching what other methods could be used and was staggered at the huge amount of information on nutrition. She eventually wrote the book ‘Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr Christine Horner’s Programme to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer.’ Just how many doctors are there out there who could be interested to change their attitude if only they were left alone to do so?
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:09:54 +0000

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