Lots of people have asked me to list 10 books that are special to - TopicsExpress


Lots of people have asked me to list 10 books that are special to me. I wont tag (mainly cause I cant recall everyone who tagged me - Livia, yes, and Katrin. After that, Im stumped. I know there was one, maybe two others? Helfino. Senior moments) much but here they are, no particular order. These are mainly classics; I just read a lot of classics. 1. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward Gibbon (Im still not done with it; I started it in Law School). Its a comforting sort of book. 2. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte - strong characters, interesting dialogue, believable story. 3. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee - cant include enough superlatives. 4. The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka - I love this book. 5. The Phantom Tollbooth - Norton Juster - silly, funny. 6. Contact - various science fiction writers including Ray Bradbury and Murray Leinster - wacky, out-there ideas, smartly executed. I try to write this way every day. I hope I get a tenth of it right. 7. LOTR - nuff said. 8. Black Beauty - Anna Sewell - animal life, with cruelty, writ large. 9. Greek Mythology - Edith Hamilton - this book saved my sanity when I was a kid, hunting for stuff to read at my grandmothers. 10. Most stuff by Kurt Vonnegut - these were my go-tos at summer camp. Answer if you like; you are not required to by any means. But what moves you? What comforts you? What educates you? Hell, what helps you sleep, even? :)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 02:03:45 +0000

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