Lunges and squats are considered great lower body exercises. They - TopicsExpress


Lunges and squats are considered great lower body exercises. They help strengthen and tone the hips and thighs. One of the important benefits of lunges and squats is that they are compound exercises, which mean they work more than one muscle group. Hence, a set each of lunges and squats burn more calories than any other exercise. To strengthen your lower body, you will need a combination of a healthy diet, proper cardio exercises, and correct strength training. A regular routine of lunges and squats can help you in working out all your leg muscles right up to the quadriceps and hamstrings. Lunges and squats also have postural benefits. Squats improve your posture and poise, while lunges lend your body better balance. Apart from posture and strength, squatting and lunges eliminate the inactivity and immobility in ankles. Ankle flexibility is bettered, and that helps keep away heel and ankle disorders. Better running strength and improved gait are other obvious advantages. The ability to do a couple of back-to-back full depth squats and full stretch lunges is a sure shot sign of well-to-do physical health. Read more at Buzzle: buzzle/articles/lunges-and-squats.html
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 15:29:15 +0000

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