MAGIC - KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING Magic is considered to be the - TopicsExpress


MAGIC - KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING Magic is considered to be the oldest system of knowledge . Probably dating back to the cave man . It is known that preceded religions , and in fact was the first religion that man knew and practiced . What exactly is the magic ? This art consists in doing in the world around her own free will. This knowledge is used to shape the world such that it complies with the will of the magician , shaman or sorcerer. It is the art of establishing contact with the spiritual realm of reality. The purpose of magic is the ability to establish harmonious relations with the spirit world , astral energy , the world of the dead and ancestors. Magic also wants to dominate the world of spiritual beings that surround us around . The term magic comes from staroiraƄskiego word Magh , that is may . So magic is knowledge involving the crossing of weakness, striving for power , power and power. The word magic also has its references in the Latin imago , the idea of the image. Thats why magic is the art of creative imagination , visualization , as we call it today . In everyday consciousness , it is believed that there is a magic black and white . The latter has been widely accepted in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance , even by the church , as the art of doing good . Split between black and white magic , came from goals that can guide the one who takes this knowledge and this what the magic is aiming. It is commonly believed that the magic involved in influencing people and enslaving them, but it is not the purpose of this knowledge . Magic Magician making operations , or performing items for ritual purposes , seeks to overcome his own weakness , would improve internally. The purpose of magic is therefore an effect on the world around them in order to bring development , progress and liberation from suffering and ignorance of those who have the courage to deal with this difficult and dangerous knowledge. The source of ceremonial magic , which is the most mature and wise , is an ancient Babylonia , Mesopotamia and the whole , and especially . Chaldea and the city of Ur , a center of magic and astrology . You famous wise men from the East , referred to by the New Testament , is nothing more, nothing less , just as Chaldean magicians and astrologers , reaching a star that is looking for great personality , which she had been born during the great conjunction in the sign of Pisces, and it was , of course, Jesus Christ. Sam rite Mass in Christianity inherited from Judaism culture is taken from the Babylonian ritual magic . Even the set design , the sacrificial altar , books , incense, vestments , etc. are based on the Babylonian ritual that Jews have taken over from the Babylonians during the captivity. When talking about black magic , or bad , then we are dealing with psychopathic individuals that will always be in every culture . Those who dream of dominion over people can not resist the any method to gain power and influence. Thus, black magic is a method of subjugation and subordination of others to purely selfish purposes , but it has nothing to do with magic , which is striving for inner perfection and knowledge. Anyone who is interested in magic knows that there is a principle hermetic, saying that everything we do has a consequence. So if you have done evil, it comes back to me with a vengeance , similar to the good . Therefore, the magician who wants only to enslave others , to take away their freedom , he must divide altogether . One might ask what exactly in our modern , industrialized world need archaic knowledge of the dead art. In a world of rational , skeptical , logical no room for superstition . But the truth is somewhat different. We do not realize that the magic is great and does not disappear . It was only adapted to modern culture. It reveals a belief in the miraculous power of any medals , items, relics , water from Lourdes , pictures of Saints , mascots , gemstones , etc. These universally condemned and ridiculed as superstition unlucky Friday 13 , passing under a ladder , saying hello to the threshold, the evil eye - a charm, is the most vivid example of magical thinking . But no one laughs with faith in the power of positive thinking that brings miraculous healings , no one condemns herbs grown in magic and yet not so long ago ridiculed as folk quackery . Does anyone know where he came from an unlucky Friday the 13th ? On that day, October 13 1307roku Templars was abolished and most of its members were captured and burned. It turns out that the magic formula to the iron logic. Today, some techniques and rituals of magic took psychology , such as hypnosis , subliminal effect , release the evil spirit called psychotherapy , but in both editions of the actions were effective , are and will be . Contemporary magic is more awareness of development techniques , such as : yoga , zen, tarot , techniques, positive thinking and visualization in the treatment of diseases. Todays magic casts out evil spirits, especially in our subconscious : anxiety, neurosis , psychosis , depression, schizophrenia , etc. The magic of art is primarily self improvement , expansion of consciousness , and that man will always be needed , and so the magic will never die.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:20:20 +0000

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