MALAYSIA PROBABLY LOST ITS CHANCE TO SECURE A SEAT WITH UN SECURITY COUNCIL BECAUSE ITS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION RECORDS INCLUDING THE LATEST BAN ON COMANGO STINK BIG TIME. THANKS TO BNS ETHNOCENTRIC POLICIES!!!! QUOTE: Malaysias permanent representative to the UN, Datuk Hussein Hanif, had last December reportedly said that the government must obtain two-thirds of the votes (from 193 member countries) in the general assembly to secure one out of 10 non-permanent membership seats of the Security Council. Malaysia, as the sole candidate from Asia, has received formal endorsement from Asean member countries and is working towards lobbying support from the Asia-Pacific region in the run-up to the scheduled election in October. “I am not sure if it (Comango’s banning) will have a direct impact on Malaysias chances to be a member of the UN Security Council. “It (the selection process) involves lobbying other (UN member) countries to vote for Malaysia so the banning may be working against that,” Joseph said when met after the press conference here. During the press conference, Joseph said that Comango had written to UN Special Rapporteurs who oversee matters concerning freedom of association, freedom of religion and freedom of expression and this was followed by a response from the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC). “The Secretary-General, the Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner Navi Pillay have persistently called for the protection of individuals and members of groups that cooperate with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights from acts of intimidation or reprisal,” UNHRC spokesman Rupert Colville said in a statement on Jan 10. UNQUOTE theantdaily/news/2014/01/14/outlawing-comango-may-undermine-msias-bid-un-security-council-seat
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 22:49:13 +0000

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