MAN , MIND AND MEDITATION.............. A SPIRTUAL JOURNEY. We - TopicsExpress


MAN , MIND AND MEDITATION.............. A SPIRTUAL JOURNEY. We may put up an execuse by saying that in this modern age of speed and innovation , conditions are not favourable to meditate and follow a disciplined life style ,but then if we ant a better ife , we have to do something. This makes the excuse point less Does’nt it ? noise levels are there is so much chaos all around , we continually face health problems due to Impurities around and life style disorders and our mind is racing like a Formula 1 car from one grand pix to another. There ae multiple preoccupations and worries....... Under such conditions, one may say that meditaion is almost impossible. However , actually it is these very factors that make meditation and yoga even more necessary today....... May we need to accept the truth called spirituality and try to widen our vision and scope of development through it. May be we need to open up a bit more , hav a wider vision and that is where the eternal knowledge of brahm vidya vihangam yoga comes in.............
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:23:26 +0000

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