MARYsCORNERS 131029,11 * BEGINNING > PUMPKIN PIE [FLAX SEED EGGS ] from Scratch, has sugar and flour in the crust, from KITCHEN STEWARDSHIP . Com ~~Read the COMMENTS at the end for other possible substitutions.~~ [*NOTE: FLAX EGGS : (1 Tablespoon of ground flax seed to 3 Tablespoons of warm water) can sometimes be used as an egg substitute. See the Comments at the end.*] [This is posted up just because its near Christmas and Thanksgiving and you may need a more healthy Pumpkin Pie recipe. If you go directly to the site you will see the nice photos which do not show on this Facebook post.] Facebook Site name: KITCHEN STEWARDSHIP kitchenstewardship/ Previous Article produced by KITCHEN STEWARDSHIP ← I Can Barely Can Water {REVIEW} of Tattler Reusable Canning Lids No Cans Healthy [Welll, healthier than most.MM] Pumpkin Pie Recipe {with a secret, ahem, twist} by Katie Kimball KITCHEN STEWARDSHIP, OCTOBER 28, 2013 · Homemade Healthy Pumpkin Pie Recipe 98 It’s time for the KS test kitchen to get some action again! Today we’re testing a few different ways to make healthy pumpkin pies, deemed “healthy” because even though the pumpkin pie still contains sweetener, it’s farrrrrr less than your average pie and all the other objectionable non-food ingredients have been removed. It’s still not as healthy as a salad or chicken soup with homemade chicken stock or anything, but it’s so much better than what we’re used to seeing this time of year. Healthy Pumpkin Pie? Pretty darn close. This recipes includes pumpkin, which is a super food, eggs (don’t let anyone tell you those aren’t healthy), heavy cream instead of canned milk (clear improvement; I believe in saturated fat), yummy spices, and only a quarter cup real maple syrup per pie. Compare that to a cup of sugar in most pumpkin pie filling, and I’m tickled to serve this for dessert (or, um, breakfast, day after Thanksgiving, baby!!). The crust is whole wheat and uses your choice of healthy fats (even though some say a pie crust is the one place one should always just use white flour!). It’s good, and I’ll even show you how to roll out a crust using my grandma’s tips (she is a totally amazing piemes maker). Now…enough chit chat. Let’s get to the pie-making. I’ve been fiddling with a homemade pie filling that is both easy and delicious for the last few years. (It’s always my job to make the family Thanksgiving pumpkin pies.) I knew basically the spices I wanted and the big change that I was testing this time was leaving the eggs in the filling whole vs. separating the eggs, whipping the whites into a meringue, and then adding the yolks later, or also separating the eggs and whizzing them into foam, but not quite meringue. Wanna see? [The photos dont show up here for whatever reason so go to kitchenstewardship/ for October 28, 2013 to see them. The names of the photos are listed below (OR add your own photos taken while you are making this!)] Healthy pumpkin pies (4) (475x356) Egg whites whipped into a meringue Healthy pumpkin pies (3) (475x356) [Comparison of different pies.] Can you tell which one is fluffier? Ha! Healthy pumpkin pies (8) (475x356) Whole eggs, my grandma’s crust Healthy pumpkin pies (1) (475x356) Meringue eggs, barley crust Healthy pumpkin pies (11) (475x356) In the photos above, you can tell the one with separated eggs because it is in a crumbly crust (I was testing another blogger’s barley crust, and it didn’t go so well), plus the filling is so much fluffier. That step makes a HUGE difference. Without separating, it’s like a traditional pumpkin pie. Custard-ish. Normal. With the whipped egg whites, it’s truly lighter and more airy. Can you tell the difference in the slices? Homemade Healthy Pumpkin Pie (21) (475x356) Homemade Healthy Pumpkin Pie (16) (475x356) The meringue egg whites are in the piece with the whipped cream. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it’s worth the extra time and dishes to separate the eggs, especially since you probably don’t make pumpkin pies all too often. If you’ve been following KS very long, you’ll know that that’s a big deal. Extra dishes, and I’m saying they’re worth it? Uh huh. This pie is that good. Homemade Healthy Pumpkin Pie (11) (475x356) Healthy Pumpkin Pie Recipe Recipe type: dessert Author: Katie Kimball Ingredients for one pumpkin pie (filling) •3 eggs, separated •¼ c. pure maple syrup •1 ¾ c. fresh pumpkin puree (or 1-15oz can pure pumpkin, but I don’t recommend it) •1 tsp. cinnamon •¼ tsp. cloves •1/8 tsp. nutmeg •¼ tsp. ginger •½ c. heavy cream Ingredients for single whole wheat pie crust: 1 1/2 Cup Flour (can use 100% whole wheat pastry flour) •½ tsp. salt •½ tsp. sugar or sucanat •½ c. butter or lard or palm shortening •4-5 Tbs. ice water Instructions 1.To make your own pumpkin puree, which may very well be the step upon which the success of this recipe depends (I cannot guarantee results with a can, as I’m convinced I’ll never make a pie with canned pumpkin again after trying this one): 2.Turn the oven on to 350 or 400F. Scrub a whole pie pumpkin. 3.Put the entire pumpkin into oven for 10-15 minutes as it preheats. 4.Remove pumpkin, which will now not break your knife. Slice pumpkin in half – any direction will do. 5.Scrape out the seeds and stringy stuff, reserving seeds for making crispy pumpkin seeds. 6.Place pumpkin halves, cut side down, in a baking dish or cookie sheet with at least a half inch of water. Bake for 30-60 minutes until you can pierce the rind with a fork. Allow to cool. 7.Scoop out pumpkin flesh and puree. I doubt this would work in a blender unless it’s a high-powered blender like a Vitamix or Blendtec. I used the food processor* here mostly only because I was going to use it to make the crust and filling anyway. On a non-pie day, I much prefer the ease of use and cleanup with an immersion blender for pureeing mushy orange vegetables of any kind. Scoop the pumpkin out of the machine and set it aside. 8.Rinse the food processor or scrape very well with a spatula. 9.To make pie crust: 10.In the bowl of the food processor, pulse the 1 ½ c. whole wheat pastry flour (mine happened to be freshly ground), ½ tsp. salt, and ½ tsp. sugar, for the pie crust a few times. Cut ½ cup extremely cold leaf lard or butter into about 8 pieces and add to mixture, pulsing until it looks like cookie crumbs. Dribble 4-5 Tbs. ice water into the food processor while it’s running, but stop it as soon as the dough begins to stick together. 11.With your hands, finish pressing all the dough together. Add more water if absolutely necessary, but try not to if you can. Also try to handle the dough as little as possible; this will ensure a flakier crust. Form dough into a ball and place in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. 12.To make pumpkin pie filling: 13.In the meantime, work on the filling, also using the food processor. If a little pumpkin gets in your crust or a little crust in your filling, it’s no big deal. 14.Separate egg whites and yolks. Whiz egg whites in the food processor until frothy* and then remove to a separate bowl. Process the egg yolks, maple syrup, pumpkin puree, spices and cream until evenly mixed. Fold in the egg whites with a spatula. 15.Roll out pie crust and form into a single pie plate, fluting the edges. (See below for a photo tutorial. Freezing the pie crust for 15-30 minutes may help bake up a perfect crust.) 16.Pour filling into unbaked pie crust. 17.For best crust, place a metal cookie sheet on the bottom rack to radiate heat (also protects oven from a mess if the pie bubbles over). 18.Bake in a preheated 425F oven for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 350F for another 40-45 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool on racks. 19.If the crust begins to brown too much on the edges, move the pie down a rack OR cover crusts with aluminum foil. Notes * Even better, believe it or not: Use a stand mixer with a whisk attachment (or a really strong whisking arm) and whip the egg whites all the way into a meringue with stiff peaks. * Need crustless? Pour into a greased pie plate or 8×8 glass dish, and bake at 375F for 45-60 minutes (until knife inserted in center comes out clean). * You might want to taste the filling before baking – I didn’t use salt, and it was really good, but I noticed that the recipe on “the can” that I used to like calls for 1/2 tsp. salt per pie. I hate for your flavor to fall flat because of no salt…I think I’ll add 1/4 tsp. this year and I bet it’s even better! * No heavy cream? Whole milk will work in a pinch. * For a creamier yet tangy sort of flavor, use about 1/3 c. sour cream in place of part of the milk in the substitution above. It’s good! * Make better crusts and pies that make people cry with joy with Dyno-mom’s tips, including freezing the crust for a time before baking (which I tried) and heating the pie filling (which I skipped). Pie filling adapted from Out of the Box Food; pie crust adapted from my grandma. 2.2.8 Homemade Healthy Pumpkin Pie (3) (475x356) How to Roll Out a Homemade Pie Crust Make the dough in a food processor following the directions above or use a pastry blender and fork to toss in the water. Either way, try not to handle the dough for even a second longer than necessary. Put pie dough in an airtight container and allow to rest in fridge about 30 minutes before rolling out. Very, very thoroughly flour all your surfaces. Flatten the disk of dough in the center and roll out from the center to the top and bottom, and then from the center to each side. Roll just bigger than your pie plate; imagine it going up the edges: How to make a pie crust (2) (475x356) If you’ve managed to roll it more or less evenly, you’ve done better than most people think they can handle (but it’s really not that hard!). Moving the pie crust, however, can be very tricky if you don’t know how to move it without tearing the dough. Fold the pie dough circle in half, then in fourths. To do this, pick up the edge with one hand and flip over about an inch or two into your other hand, palms flat and facing each other, then back to the first hand, then flip again, so that you’re passing the dough back and forth, gently easing it bit by bit off the rolling surface. Stop when it’s folded in half, then do it again vertically. Place into the pie plate, arranged like this: How to make a pie crust (4) (475x356) Open in the pie plate, using the same passing back and forth that you did to get it folded: How to make a pie crust (5) (475x356) How to make a pie crust (6) (475x356) You can cut off the edges, leaving about an inch hanging over, if you choose. I didn’t have an excessive amount, so I just tucked. Fold the excess toward the outside, tucking under like so: How to make a pie crust (8) (475x356) How to make a pie crust (9) (475x356) There are lots of ways to finish off the edges, from using a fork to special tools to your knuckles, like I do. The purpose of this technique is to make a pretty crust, of course, but also to seal the edges – which is more important on a 2-crust pie than a one-crust pie so all the filling doesn’t ooze out. I didn’t think I’d be able to demonstrate this part but was going to ask you to use your imagination to fill in the blanks – see the imaginary other knuckle between these two? How to make a pie crust (10) (475x356) Then I decided to risk it, set the camera on 10-second delay, and hold it under my chin: How to make a pie crust (12) (475x356) I actually switched to using my right index finger and left knuckles after the photo so I could sneak between the pie dough and the glass plate better, but I figured I’d drop the camera if I tried again. Winking smile What Fat is Best for Pie Crust? This was the first time I’d tried making a pie crust with lard, and I was hoping for the moon… It was stiff, a bit difficult to roll out but not impossible (compared to butter, which is what I usually use). The dough held together really well and so did the baked crust. It tastes good, but nothing to write home about, and I’m not sure I’d say lard is the only way to make a pie crust. My friend, whose last hold out on Crisco was pie crusts, says that lard and butter don’t hold a candle to Crisco – and then she tried palm shortening. She was won over! If you’ve got a love of baking or a passion for flaky, light pie crusts, try it. It’s very easy to work with, not hydrogenated like Crisco but naturally solid, and it goes on sale quite often at Tropical Traditions. More Healthy Pumpkin Pie Wonderings •With the advent of the Trim Healthy Mama diet, I find myself asking if pumpkin pie could easily be made with stevia instead of maple syrup or sucanat. I’m thinking yes, but then of course the crust would still be a problem. Making it crust-free or using something nutty like this walnut oat pie crust might work for a low-carb alternative, maybe with more nuts in place of the oats. •I’ve been asked about pumpkin pies without eggs, but I’m really not sure how to substitute here. Any ideas? •I also have a future post with some homemade whipped cream comparisons to show you the difference between ultra-pasteurized and normally pasteurized cream. I’ll share it before Christmas! ——————————————— I’d love to see more of you! Sign up for a free email subscription or grab my reader feed. You can also follow me on Twitter, get KS for Kindle, or see my Facebook Fan Page. Kitchen Stewardship is dedicated to balancing God’s gifts of time, health, earth and money. If you feel called to such a mission, read more at Mission, Method, and Mary and Martha Moments. Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post to Amazon from which I will earn some commission if you make a purchase. See my full disclosure statement here. Popular Articles [ Go to kitchenstewardship/, if the internet is working and you can, at the bottom of the Pumpkin Pie article there are icon/ipictures which can be clicked and which take you to the article in which you have interest. MM [These are the topics and their source Sites, if listed:] Tortilla Race: (Wo)Man vs. Machine How to Bake Grain-free with Coconut Flour Recipe Connection: Grain-Free Tomato Pizza Tortillas Monday Mission: Take a Break/Review Week (& Other Fun Stuff) Homemade Whole Wheat SOFT Tortillas {Updated Recipe} [There are other advertisements from Around the Web which are shown upon the originating site and not printed here.] Tags: autumn·cinnamon·dessert·eggs·fall·halloween·pie·pie crust·pumpkin·Thanksgiving·whole wheat [SOMETIMES ONE CAN LEARN THINGS FROM COMMENTS UPON A CERTAIN ARTICLE AND THOSE MAY BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE ARTICLE WHICH MARYsCORNERS POSTS. THE COMMENTS FROM THE ABOVE ARTICLE ARE LISTED BELOW.] Annie // Oct 28, 2013 at 9:29 pm I doubt I’d like the fluffy version as I like a dense custard. I don’t use Pinterest often but I did once pin a recipe for “healing pumpkin pudding” or something using gelatin to firm up the… Custard? Not sure if it could be called that w/o the eggs. But makes an egg free option. Your blog is awesome, Katie. :) Cindy L // Oct 28, 2013 at 9:30 pm I... think for egg sub and still be healthy and natural you could use FLAX SEED MEAL [GROUND UP FLAX SEED] SOAKED UP IN WATER [1:3 RATIO]. It’s only a couple tablespoons and it would give the right body and probably go unnoticed in the very textural pumpkin. And a little grit won’t huer anyway. But I make flax bread all the time and it’s not gritty, nice and chewy, except that image it with, um, eggs. ;-) . No really, it should work. I just don’t know the proportions. I think While New Mom has it. Another option would be xantham gum or gluccomanan (that is recommended by THM). Just try to make sure it’s an organic source. Helen @ Kitchen Stewardship Reply: October 28th, 2013 at 10:26 pm I’ve definitely used flax eggs [NOTE: FLAX EGGS CAN SOMETIMES BE USED AS AN EGG SUBSTITUTE. MM :](1T ground flax : 3T warm water) in baking, I’m just unsure about how that would do in a filling but I bet you’re right it would do just fine! And you’re right, the glucomannan would do a good job thickening things up as well. Jamie // Oct 28, 2013 at 10:50 pm This filling is similar to a recipe I already use. I do like the custard filling, but I’m going to try your recipe with the whipped eggs. I might do a pumpkin pie taste test. :) I’m going to try your crust too, because the truth is, the crust I use is horribly unhealthy. It’s almost a sugar cookie-for-crust thing. Thank you so much for sharing! Sharon // Oct 29, 2013 at 11:36 am A confession: I love pie. And I bake and eat a lot of pie. Yum. My experiments with whole wheat crusts have not come out very well, but I haven’t tried WW pastry flour. The lowest protein flour I keep on hand is unbleached AP, and I’m not eager to add to my flour collection! But I might try it, if I see it somewhere. Question: what’s the protein content on the WW pastry flour you use? On the question of fat, for most pies I like a mix of butter and lard, usually 2/3 lard 1/3 butter. Looking forward to trying this recipe, with separated eggs. But I’ll be doing it with sweet potatoes instead of pumpkin. Yum Read more [ OR PRINT THEM OUT FOR YOUR OWN RECIPE SECTION. MM] ://kitchenstewardship/2013/10/28/no-cans-healthy-pumpkin-pie-recipe-with-a-secret-ahem-twist/#YSc8OrW6XUd66OJU.99 MARYsCORNERS 131029,11 < END ~ PUMPKIN PIE [FLAX SEED EGGS ] from Scratch
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:22:24 +0000

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